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The Beginnings of a Relationship (Private: Olivestar and Hunterstrike) - Page 6 Pokeball_kitty_gif

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The Beginnings of a Relationship (Private: Olivestar and Hunterstrike) - Page 6 Pokeball_kitty_gif
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The Beginnings of a Relationship (Private: Olivestar and Hunterstrike)

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RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

First topic message reminder :

Hunterstrike sighed and stood up. He padded out of the riverclan camp and walked to the Windclan Riverclan border Hoping to see Windclan's new leader out on patrol. He shot up a tree near the border to sit an dwatch for her.

Last edited by Hunterstrike on Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Olivestar pulled her paw away from Hunterstrike's grasp and backed up a few paw steps to give him some room. "Your sister threatened to kill me," Olivestar's voice was distant. "She blamed me for your so-called death."


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"I was dead. Apparently it just wasn't the right time." Hunter said.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Olivestar shrugged. "Well Flameheart is back at the roof and Pine Tree is who knows where. Also teach your sister some respect. She threatened to kill me for no reason at all!"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Hey she didn't kill you. She probably wanted to but she didn't actually hurt you did she? Aside from maybe threatening you." he said and nuzzled her.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"Fair enough, I guess." Olivestar was still lost in her own thoughts. She turned and headed towards the rooftop, thinking about what she was going to say to Pine Tree. "Oh man," she meowed under her breath. "What will he say?"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunter looked at Olivestar and sighed. "I'll talk to him. Now get some rest. You Look like you just ran across a thunderpath during rush hour. In a hurricane!" Hunter mewed with concern.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Olivestar stopped in her tracks. "I-I'm fine. I-I-I just n-need to grab some-something." She trotted over and grabbed the book in her jaws, then took off towards the rooftop where she had her dream the other night.
     She stopped as she passed Kaitlyn, and mewed, "Hey sucker! Your bro's back from the dead!" Then she took off again. When she reached the roof top, Olivestar jumped up and sat down, curling her tail over her paws.

   Pine Tree sighed and looked around. A familiar blue and white flashed at the edge of his vision. My hat! He grabbed his hat and shoved it onto his head. Now for the journal.
   He made his way towards where he has last seen Hunterstrike, before remembering that he was dead. "Well, at least maybe I could be Olivestar's mate now." Pine Tree muttered under his breath.
   He reached the edge of the clearing and pushed his way through some bushes. He was shocked to see Hunterstrike alive. Well, kinda shocked. "Oh," Pine Tree murmured. "You're alive. I'm sure Olivestar would be sooo happy to know."


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"She already knows mate. She says she's sorry by the way." Hunterstrike replied without looking at Pine tree.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"Yeah yeah right," Pine Tree scoffed. "Like I would believe that. She's probably the one who took my journal in the first place! Oh and by the way, have you seen Iceshard lately?"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Uh yeah. Why? She is my medicine cat by the way." Hunterstrike mewed.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

   "Never mind why. I can't believe it. How is she? Is she still stubborn? By the by, would you mind telling her that I still miss her? When you go back of course."


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunterstrike chuckled, "I remember when i first met you and Icey. Oh the great times we had in those days." He mewed with a sigh. "And i don't know if she's stubborn or not mate. I'm not around the camp 24/7. I'm usually wandering the forests, training, running, hunting, climbing, sleeping, and swimming too. Especially if it's hot or i just want to cool off really fast. Those activities take up about seventy-five percent of my time with the clans. The thing is... I'm the most active at night these days. I'm always patrolling the borders of riverclan at night. I've taught myself to observe my surrounds in great detail with one glance around. At night you'll find me sprinting along the riverclan borders. If it's not my shift or if cherrystar's given me the night off i either come here or i go to a spot next to the lake and think about my past."



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"I was Dipper then," Pine Tree meowed wistfully. "Me and Icey became mates. Then Olive turned up along with her brother, Pipp. I wanted to be Olive's mate and Icey got mad at me and said that she'd never talk to me again. She left for RiverClan and Olive left for WindClan while the rest of us stayed as a group of our own. We became the Survivors. Before we left for this area, I had watched both Icey and Olive. I watched them become Olivefur and Iceshard. I watched them become great warriors. And now Olive is WindClan's leader. Is Icey still one of the best warriors in RiverClan? Oh and, did she happen to follow you?"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"I don't know mate. Iceshard seemed worried about me the last time i saw her. But then again i had been seriously injured then." Hunterstrike meowed with a sigh. "Iceshard's riverclan's medicine cat now Pine Tree. Medicine cats don't fight unless they really need to. But i'm sure she could bring her old skills back if she trained enough."



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"You blimey bet I can!" Iceshard padded out from between two bushes. "Dipper! Great to see you!" Iceshard blinked at the two cats. "Well?" she tilted her head. "Where's the others now?"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"They're all up on the roofs somewhere sheila. I don't know where the bloody hell Olivestar disappeared to though. She said she needed to grab something earlier." Hunterstrike meowed with a slightly worried expression.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"On the rooftop, eh?" Iceshard looked thoughtful. "Did Olivestar happen to grab something that was near you when she said what she said?"
   "Uh, I-Iceshard," Pine Tree shuffled his paws. "The name's Pine Tree now."
   "I don't care!" Iceshard meowed. "I'm callin' ya Dipper for as long as I bloody want!"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Iceshard, ya better stop calling him dipper or i'll slice your ears off." Hunterstrike threatened.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"We'll see 'bout that," Iceshard hissed. "I may be a medicine cat, which gives me an advantage, but I'm a bloody good fighter, you git." She turned towards Pine Tree. "And Dipper. What git ever said your name was bloody Pine Tree? Huh? Huh?"
   "I-I," Pine Tree stuttered. "I can't say ... They are ... "
   "Go on! Spit it out!"
   "I can't!"
   "Yes you bloody can, you git!"
   "No I can't Veg- I mean Iceshard!"
   Iceshard sat down next to Pine Tree and let her head rest on his shoulder. Pine Tree stiffened a moment before relaxing. "We all have our difficult times in life," Iceshard murmured. "Loss, grief, pain. And for us, name change. I can't change my name back, but you can. And so can everyone else in The Survivors that were forced to change their name. Your name is not Pine Tree. Your name is Dipper. Always was. Always will be. Dipper."


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Iceshard i was joking. i would never do that to you or any of my friends." Hunterstrike mewed. "Unless they betray me or anyone else." He said under his breath.



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

"Well you shouldn't joke about things like that," Iceshard retorted. "And where's Olivestar? I can smell her scent."
   "Right here," Olivestar pushed through some bushes. "And before you ask, no I was not spying and yes, I just arrived." Olivestar looked down and noticed a part of the book showing from the bushes. She tucked it behind her so no one would see it. But Pine Tree had. And he was both delighted and furious at the same time. He decided to confront her later.


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunterstrike noticed the slight movement of Olivestar's hind leg and caught a glimpse of the blue and white notebook she pushed back into the bush. He chuckled inwardly as he saw Pine tree notice as well. He walked up to Olivestar and nuzzled her cheek while whispering into her ear. "I saw you kick the notebook back into the bush, and i guarantee Pine Tree saw it as well."



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Pine Tree sighed. "Olive, I know you have my journal."
Olivestar gulped. "I-I don't know what you're- hey!"
Pine Tree had pulled a red journal from underneath Olivestar. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Olivestar sighed. "Okay fine. I've been studying the journal but I didn't know it was yours! Are you the author?"
"No but I did find the journal first. And I've been investigating for awhile. Before I lost it."
"All righty then," Iceshard interrupted. "Shall we go see the others or we gonna just keep bloody chattin'? Dipper."


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunterstrike smacked Olivestar upside the head with his tail. "Don't try to hide things next time."



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Olivestar snarled under her breath, "I can hide things whenever I want."
"C'mon guys," Pine Tree beckoned with a wave of his tail. "Let's go back to the others. And I'll take that." Pine Tree picked up the journal in his jaws and hid it under his hat.
"Pine Tree!" Olivestar gasped. "What w-"
"My name is Dipper," Pine Tree said, snarling. "And my sister is Mabel. Not Shooting Star."
Dipper stalked off, leaving Olivestar staring, jaws open. Iceshard came up beside her and sat down.
"His hat must be bloody magical or something for that bleeding journal to fit." Iceshard noted.
Olivestar cast a sideways glare at her and got up, heading for the rooftop where the others were. Iceshard got up and glanced back at Hunterstrike. "You comin' big guy?"


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunterstrike turned towards Olivestar and blinked. "Yeah i'll be there in a sec."



WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

Olivestar sighed and motioned for Iceshard to go on ahead. Iceshard went and Olivestar sat down and sighed. "Hunterstrike," Olivestar began. "what's the hold up?"

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