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1Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Stormclan's Rise Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:44 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

First topic message reminder :

The Stormclan is few in members but strong. Their leader, on the other hand, well, could do with a few more lessons. There are 2 other clans in the forest: Echoclan and Mapleclan. We have survived many harsh 'storms' earning us our name. We have special powers; some stronger than others. We have many more harsh things to defeat before peace falls upon our forest, but we will rise to face them. We will survive! We are strong!

(If you are a rouge or loner and you are going to stay that way for awhile or forever, leave out the powers and special abilities; if you join a clan later on, you will gain them.)
If you are in Stormclan introduce your self like this to join:













Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

If you are in Mapleclan or Echoclan, introduce yourself like this:











Special Ability:


Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

here is mine:

Name: Jaystar

Clan: Stormclan

Rank: Leader

Gender: Male

Age: 72 moons

Mate: none yet.

Kits: N/A

Mother - Nightwhisper
Father - Sunclaw
Brother - Blazefang
Sister - Featherpaw

Looks: small cat with pale gray fur and darker gray swirls. The tips of his ears are black and his tail tip is white. His front paws are black and his muzzle is too. His fur a short and his back legs are white.

Personality: Fierce, smart, funny, curious, thinks beyond borders, caring

Power(s): can read minds, walk in dreams, and Telekinesis (which he doesn't know about yet) 

Other: looks blind but isn't. He is smaller than most warriors

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders): 8 left. 


Theme Song: Gasoline

You can only have up to 3 main characters per user.



Last edited by Iceshard on Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:39 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : I'm upgrading it heheh)

351Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:15 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Fair enough, I fixed it

352Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:34 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~thanks and sorry.

   "We've got three minutes!" Jaystar yowled. "I gotta find a way to unfreeze them. But I can't! There's literally no way to do this! Brothers, sister, friend... I... Failed you. I... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." a couple of tears made their down his cheeks. he collasped at the feet of Blazefang and wept. Then, something wiped it away. Something... Feather-y.
   "Aw, c'mon Jaystar. Don't be such a baby." Blazefang laughed.
   Jaystar gasped. "W-whaaaa...?"
   "I'm confused too but we got other problems to worry about."
   "Howdy y'all!" Featherpaw called down. "This isn't any time for a reunion. We've gotta get out of here before it's too late!"
   "Is everyone unfrozen?" Puddlethorn asked.
   "Everyone... Except Littletooth."
   "Let's just go!" Jaystar yowled. "We'll take him with us!"
   Puddlethorn took everyone up until only Jaystar remained. Jaystar hurried to Puddlethorn and was lifted up. With everyone on the surface, the cats took off towards the border, Blazefang leading and Jaystar in the back. Puddlethorn was carrying Littletooth with surprising strength and speed.

353Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:37 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~I honestly think my ending would have been better, no offense but your's kind of sounds like the ending to a Disney movie.

354Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:35 am


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~DBJDJGSGJDBHDDBUDJECJJFBUGG yes that was just random letters
it wouldnt have made any sense though. WHAT IS THIS?! ima be honest here, i think... i gonna be quoting that video (more the guys) as much as possible without cursing for the next week or so lol. lets redo that ending

355Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:18 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Question: What video and what guys?

356Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:46 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~answer: you'll never know...
(Wait do you seriously wanna know?)

357Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:10 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

No, I asked you the question because I didn't want to know.  SARCASM(I'm going to be honest, I've been waiting to use this emoticon)
Yes I want to know! Why else would I ask?

358Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:31 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~Ha! Okay.
By "the guys" I mean the youtubers The Game Grumps.
By "the video" I mean two videos with almost same audio. One is by The Game Grumps and one is a Dipper and Mabel video with audio taken from one of The Game Grumps' videos

359Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:29 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Oh, I thought you might have meant the Youtubers Therunawayguys, it seemed like something they'd say

360Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:30 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~oh. Okay about the ending... We'll have it go your way, BUT... We'll make it difficult.

361Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:27 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Hmm, how so? Do you have something in mind

362Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:22 am


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~We'll have it so the cats that are stone have to be hit three times (two more for Blazefang) by the beam, but it looks like they are just cracking at first but on the last hit they burst from the stone. Amberpaw and Jaystar have to work together (and the others once they are freed) to steer Fang to launch her beams towards their friends. But, don't make it too easy. You get it? If I was talking to you in real life I would probably have to repeat myself about three times because I talk so fast.~

363Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:53 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Sounds good, I even have an idea for a plot twist
Ending 2
Fang was targeting Jaystar with her beams when Amberpaw leaped down and landed on Fang, she began to fire her beams at random, Fang then threw Amberpaw off of her and targeted her with her beams, Amberpaw then slammed into Fang and made another one of her beams hit Blazefang.
"Jaystar! One more hit should free Blazefang!" Amberpaw called.

364Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:14 am


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Jaystar gave a nod and bared his teeth at Fang. "Come at me you big bully!" He screeched. Fang roared and flapped her wings, rising into the air for a few heartbeats before crashing down. Jaystar switched to his mocking voice. "Aw. Looks like you can't fly. Cause your just"-he switched back to his normal voice-"A great, big MONSTER!"
   Fang roared and shot a beam at Jaystar. Jaystar rolled out of the way and the beam hit Blazefang. The stone cracked again and exploded off Blazefang. Blazefang unintenstionally struck a pose while he was stretching, distracting Jaystar momentarily.
   "Blazefang! We have to steer the beams to Featherpaw, Littletooth -- not sure how we're gonna do that since they are up there -- and Puddlethorn!" Jaystar called.
   "If we free Puddlethorn, he can bring Littletooth and Featherpaw down!" Blazefang meowed.

365Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:38 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"On it!" Amberpaw called, Amberpaw slammed into Fang once more but this time he just rolled and flung Amberpaw off of him, Amberpaw flew into a stalagmite and Fang shot a beam at her and she rolled out of the way just in time and dashed in front of Littletooth, "Over here you big brute!" Fang shot another beam at Amberpaw and she did a back flip causing it to hit Littletooth instead.

366Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:31 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Blazefang ran in front of Puddlethorn. "Hit me with your best shot!" he screeched at Fang. Fang shot a beam at Bpazefang. Blazefang dodged in the nick of time and the beam struck Puddlethorn.

367Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:50 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Come on! Is that all you've got?" Amberpaw hissed, Fang shot another beam at Amberpaw who leaped away again and struck the side of Fangs face, which enraged her even more, she then shot a huge beam at where Amberpaw landed, she rolled out of the way in front of Littletooth, Fang then shot another beam at Amberpaw who dodged causing it to free Littletooth, "Come on, according to my memory, we only have two more minutes before Fang dies, then we'll loose those who're still frozen forever!"

368Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:39 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Jaystar leaped in front of Featherpaw. "OVER HERE JERK!" he yowled to Fang. Fang shot a beam and hit Featherpaw.
   Blazefang screeched an insult at Fang and Fang shot at him. He dodged and it hit Puddlethorn. He repeated it and Freed His brother.

369Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:57 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"One minute left!" Amberpaw called, Amberpaw rolled over in front of Featherpaw, "Over here sucker!" Fang shot another beam at Amberpaw and she did the back flip and it hit Featherpaw, she then repeated the process and freed Featherpaw. They all then surrounded Fang.
"It's over Fang, everyone's free and you're on the brink of death." Amberpaw hissed.
Amberpaw then saw her paw twist to face Jaystar and fired one last beam at him.
"Jaystar! No!" Amberpaw called, she leaped at Jaystar and shoved him out of the way but got hit with the beam herself.

Last edited by Stormstar on Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I needed to change something)

370Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:53 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~fang "dies" with an explosion. She survives but shes back to normal. The cats have to do find a way to stabilize the Dead Forest without having a king or queen.

371Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:59 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~I fixed it, your move now.

372Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:45 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

"Amberpaw!" Featherpaw exclaimed.
   "Everybody get out of the way!" Puddlethorn yowled.
   "Are you crazy?! We're all gonna--!" Jaystar screeched.
   Jaystar didn't get to finish. There was a huge explosion that threw everyone back.

373Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:10 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~I can't really write anything here because Amberpaw is frozen so...

374Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:04 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

All the cats groaned and sat up.
   "My head..." moaned Littletooth
   "Oh... Everything hurts." Jaystar mumbled.
   "You just HAD to give her a mushroom that would hurt us, didnt you?" Blazefang grumbled to Jaystar.
   "Well would you rather have us dead?" Jaystar scoffed.
   "Girls, girls. You're both pretty." Featherpaw meowed.
   "Fang!" Puddlethorn raced over to his friend. "Fang are you okay? Can you hear me?"
   "Puddle?" Fang groaned. "Wha-what happened?"
   "Oh nothing. All that matters is that youre safe."
   "Is she okay?" Jaystar asked.
   "Of course I'm fine!" Fang snapped.
   "Yep she's fine." Puddlethorn mewed.
   "I just said that!"
   "Amberpaw!" Featherpaw raced over to the stone Amberpaw. "Amberpaw!"
   "How did that happen?!" Jaystar gasped.
   "She saved you, Knucklehead!" Blazefang snapped.
   "This is just great." Littletooth grumbled.
   "Why did even come down here?" Jaystar murmured.
   "Uh, three reasons. A: you, B: you." Blazefang replied.
   Despite their situation, Jaystar couldn't help but laugh. "It just sounds like a bunch of letters. A U B U C E D. H I GOT MY G E D."
   Blazefang laughed slightly. Featherpaw glared at them.
   "What?" Blazefang meowed.
   "In case you haven't noticed, it's not exactly the time for humor." Feathepaw scoffed.
  "We need to keep our spirits up. Amberpaw would like it. Wait, would she?"
   "I-I don't know." mumbled Jaystar.

~the "three reasons. A: you, B: you." "It just sounds like a bunch of letters. A U B U C E D. H I GOT MY G E D." thing is from Game Grumps.~

375Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:34 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~So did you like the plot twist?

376Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:15 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~honestly, I predicted it somehow. But yeah.~

   "So... Now what? I mean, we can't just leave Amberpaw down here." Littletooth said.
   "How did we get here in the first place?" Blazefang asked. ""Into this situation."
   "Why don't you ask Featherpaw?" Jaystar growled.
   "Oh so now it's my fault?" Featherpaw scoffed.
   "You were the one who gave up their powers. All for some stupid history! You probably can't remember anything of it  now!"
   "Why are my powers so important?!"
   Pretty soon, everyone broke out into arguments. Everyone except Littletooth. 
   "STOP!" Yowled Littletooth. Everybody stopped. "This arguing is getting us nowhere! We need to find a way to stabilise this forest, free Amberpaw,, and gett out of this nasty place!"
   "I think I know a way." Blazefang meowed. "But..."
   "Oh no." Jaystar grumbled.
   "Puddlethorn has to teach me to fly first." Blazefang finished.
   "Dude, is this part of your plan or is this just because you want to?" Puddlethorn sighed.
   "No, it's not part of the plan, but if I have wings, I'm gonna need to learn how to use them."
   "Teaching you is gunna take a while, so if I say yes, will you tell us?"
   "Okay then. Yes."
   "Yes alright!" There was a pause and Blazefang cleared his throat  and laughed nervously.

377Stormclan's Rise - Page 15 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:39 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Amberpaw awoke in the clearing around the waterfall she had seen in her previous dream, Amberpaw got up.
"Oh, what happened?" Amberpaw meowed.
"There you are Amber." A voice meowed, Amberpaw spun around to see the she-cat from her previous dream.
"Oh it's you." Amberpaw meowed, "Who are you anyway? And what is this place?"
"I'm your mother Amber." The she-cat meowed, Amberpaw's eyes widened with shock, "My name is-"
"Woa woa, wait, you're my mother?" Amberpaw meowed, cutting her off, "Does that mean I've gone to join StarClan?"
"Well, yes and no, do you remember what happened?" Amberpaw's mother meowed, Amberpaw looked at her confused, "You made a great sacrifice for your leader."
Suddenly it came back to her, "Oh ya." Amberpaw meowed, "Wait! Jaystar! Is he okay?"
"He is fine, all of your friends are free and fine." Her mother meowed.
"So, if I was turned to stone, does that mean I'm dead?" Amberpaw meowed.
"You still have a chance to be saved, you remember don't you?" Amberpaw's mother meowed,
Amberpaw thought hard about what she had remembered during the battle against Fang and then it hit her.
"I remember now." She meowed

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