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Stormclan's Rise

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1Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Stormclan's Rise Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:44 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

First topic message reminder :

The Stormclan is few in members but strong. Their leader, on the other hand, well, could do with a few more lessons. There are 2 other clans in the forest: Echoclan and Mapleclan. We have survived many harsh 'storms' earning us our name. We have special powers; some stronger than others. We have many more harsh things to defeat before peace falls upon our forest, but we will rise to face them. We will survive! We are strong!

(If you are a rouge or loner and you are going to stay that way for awhile or forever, leave out the powers and special abilities; if you join a clan later on, you will gain them.)
If you are in Stormclan introduce your self like this to join:













Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

If you are in Mapleclan or Echoclan, introduce yourself like this:











Special Ability:


Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

here is mine:

Name: Jaystar

Clan: Stormclan

Rank: Leader

Gender: Male

Age: 72 moons

Mate: none yet.

Kits: N/A

Mother - Nightwhisper
Father - Sunclaw
Brother - Blazefang
Sister - Featherpaw

Looks: small cat with pale gray fur and darker gray swirls. The tips of his ears are black and his tail tip is white. His front paws are black and his muzzle is too. His fur a short and his back legs are white.

Personality: Fierce, smart, funny, curious, thinks beyond borders, caring

Power(s): can read minds, walk in dreams, and Telekinesis (which he doesn't know about yet) 

Other: looks blind but isn't. He is smaller than most warriors

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders): 8 left. 


Theme Song: Gasoline

You can only have up to 3 main characters per user.



Last edited by Iceshard on Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:39 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : I'm upgrading it heheh)

726Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:40 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

"How exactly did you two change?" Jaystar asked.
   "Rather not say," Cerin replied. "It's not--"
   "It was me." said a voice. Cerin whirled around to see Silver. "I did it. Well, not me specifically, but..."
   Jaystar shook his head. "Don't try to explain; I'll only get more confused. Who are you anyways?"
    "Oh. My name is Silver." Silver mumbled.
   "Hello Silver. I am Jaystar, leader of StormClan. What in the stars are you doing in my camp?"

Last edited by Jupiter on Tue May 03, 2016 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

727Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue May 03, 2016 1:47 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Name: Midnight

Clan: None

Rank: None

Gender: Female

Age: 60 moons

Mate: Dead

Kits: You'll see...

Family: You'll see...

Looks: a pitch black cat with blue eyes and a crescent moon on her forehead when she's using her power

Personality: For the most part, a mystery, only two living cats know her well enough to give her personality a proper judge

Power(s): previously... More of a special ability of sorts, she drew energy from the moon at night to make her more powerful in multiple ways, speed, strength, the five senses and even a small boost in intelligence but now, it's blood plague.

Other: All of the "You'll see"s are because I have something big for this character and I don't want to spoil the surprises Smile

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders): N/A

History: You'll see...

728Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue May 03, 2016 6:18 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

What do you mean by 'blood plague'? I honestly have no idea

729Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue May 03, 2016 8:09 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~You know how Silver turned Carin into something like her? I'm calling that blood plague. It felt like a fitting name.

730Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Wed May 04, 2016 6:10 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~*Cerin. Yes. It is a fitting name. Anyways.

731Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu May 05, 2016 7:27 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~OK then, sorry about the misspell, my brain always feels like it should be Carin, I don't know why.

Midnight awoke as the moonlight hit her fur, she got up stretched and stared at the moon.
"I've been awakened again." She meowed to herself, "Why?" she closed her eyes almost as if she was waiting for a reply from the moon. She opened her eyes again.
"I see, you've shut yourself off from me." Midnight meowed, "I guess I'll have to figure it out on my own." She leaped out of the cave she was in and tasted the air, immediately, the scent of crowfood hit her nostrils, she dashed off in the direction of the scent and when she got there she saw the sight of at least fifty torn apart animals in one part.
"One of them has been busy I see." Midnight meowed, "It seems as though some members live on, that's what I've been awoken to do."

732Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu May 05, 2016 6:18 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~is she evil or good or...

733Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 06, 2016 7:24 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~What do you think?

Midnight wandered through the forest looking around to take in her new surroundings and scents, her ears pricked for any new sounds, just then she heard the faint cry of a cat, she began heading in that direction until it was maybe 10 fox-lengths away from her, she backed up a bit and hid behind a tree. Just then, a cat leaped into the clearing she was watching, it was Ambertide.
"Featherpaw!" She called out, "Hello? I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, you just looked different."
From her vantage point, Midnight could not quite make out the complete color and shape of Ambertide.
"Wait, I think I know that voice." Midnight whispered to herself.
"Where is she I'm getting really worried." Ambertide meowed to herself. Midnight's eyes opened wide.
"I do know that voice!" She whispered to herself, "But I need to be sure."
She crept out from behind her tree towards a bush closer to Ambertide, she peered out from under it to get a good look at her, afterwards she immediately pulled back once she saw her.
"Great StarClan!" Midnight mumbled, "His daughter lives!"

734Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 06, 2016 7:45 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

It felt as if the whole camp was holding its breath.
   "Well?" Jaystar pressed with a hint of a snarl.
   "Um... I, uh, well..." Silver stuttered.
   Cerin narrowed her eyes at the small silver she-cat. "Go on! Make up some stupid excuse!" she growled.
   Silver clenched her teeth and glared at the StormClan cats.
   "Well, hurry up! We're all waiting to hear your excuse for trying to MURDER us!" Cerin snapped.
   Gasps and murmurs of uneasiness rippled throughout the watching cats.
   "Rrr... I DON'T HAVE ONE." Silver said finally.
   "I want you out of my camp," Jaystar snarled. His milky blue eyes were sending daggers at Silver. "I want you out of my territory! I want you out of this forest! And if anyone ever sees you again, they have full permission to kill you."
    Silver glared at the StormClan leader for what seemed like moons, before turning tail and strutting toward the entrance. She stopped at it, and turned back to Cerin. The look she shot at the red-and-black she-cat said, This isn't over yet. I will have my revenge.

735Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 06, 2016 12:51 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Foxpaw watched as the cat left the camp, suppressing his rage, not wanting to attack someone by mistake but then he caught a glimpse of the cat's eyes, the pure rage inside them, he hoped that she didn't see the same thing in his eyes, once she left, Foxpaw began to follow her, now knowing that she is still a threat.


Midnight was still staring at Ambertide in disbelief when she felt a small shock and a white crescent moon appeared on her forehead. found one she thought. She began to leave when she stepped on a twig, Ambertide's ears pricked No! she thought, right before Ambertide turned around she shot up the nearest tree, looking down at her.

736Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 06, 2016 6:20 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

"Should we stop him from following her?" Blazefang worried. "Foxpaw, I mean."
   Jaystar shook his head. "No. But--"
   "I'll go with him." Cerin said. "I insist."
   "...Okay then." Jaystar finally agreed. "But stay safe. That cat means trouble. I can feel it. Her thoughts were so... Angry... And... Just weird."
    "Her thoughts?!" Cerin exclaimed. "Whaddaya mean, 'her thoughts'?"
   "Didn't I tell you? I can read minds."
   Cerin's eyes widened momentarily, and she imagined a wall of fire slamming down around her thoughts.
  "Don't worry," Jaystar meowed. "For some reason I can't read yours."
    "Okay.." Cerin murmured. "Cya. I guess." then she took off after Silver and Foxpaw, passing Featherpaw -- who was coming into camp -- on the way.

737Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 06, 2016 7:42 pm



Fireblaze's PoV:

Where is that STUPID mouse? I thought. Well, who cares? I sprinted back and called for Stardust. "Stardust? Helliw?" I shouted as I grabbed some fresh-kill.

~sorry for the short post. I had nothing.

738Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat May 07, 2016 10:42 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Ambertide spun around to where the noise was to see a black blur shoot up the tree.
"Show yourself!" She growled, all was silent after that until the blur began jumping from tree to tree, "Hey! Get back here!"
The chase went on until the figure reached the Dead Forest and landed among some bushes within it. Ambertide stared at the figure and realized it was a cat. The figure flicked it's tail inviting Ambertide to join it, it then dashed off into the depths of the forest. "What in the name of StarClan is this?" She whispered to herself, she began to walk through it, uneasy about being there but reassured knowing that MoonClan is in control. Everywhere she went she felt like she was being watched, she continually glanced around only to see the creatures of the forest hiding from plain view. She eventually came to a clearing surrounded by withershrooms and spotted the figure up in a tree at the other end.
"Hello there." The figure meowed, "It's been a long time hasn't it."
"Wh-who are you? Answer me!" Ambertide meowed.
"You don't remember me? My, it has been a long time." The figure replied.
"I said answer me!" Ambertide growled.
"Answers will come with time." The figure meowed jumping out of the tree, the cat padded into the clearing and Ambertide finally got a good look at the cat, "Simply follow me and I can reveal all."

739Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sun May 08, 2016 10:35 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

As Cerin was running, she could hear the faint sound of something being quickly devoured in flames. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see small flashes of light. Desiding that Foxpaw could hold his own for a while, the red and black she-cat veered to the right, toward the light.
   Swiftly reaching the part in the forest, she came to a halt at a pile of ash. Looking around, Cerin saw that the air there used to be gloomy. It used to stink of crow-food. There used to be dead forest animals strewn across the forest floor.
   Now... The air was crisp and clear. The moon shown brightly through the canopy overhead. And the dead animals were reduced to ash.
   "Someone's been cleaning up," Cerin murmured to herself. "But...who?"
   "Over here!" Stardust called, hearing Fireblaze's voice call to her. "We're over here!"

740Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon May 09, 2016 7:08 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Wait, I'm confused, wasn't it Silver who left the camp?

741Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon May 09, 2016 7:47 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

Did you not read my post? Cerin left the camp as well

742Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 13, 2016 7:26 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Ambertide followed the strange cat through the Dead Forest still seeing the creatures there peaking out from their little hiding spots as the two of them passed by.
"So who are you anyway? And where are you taking me?" Ambertide asked.
"All will be revealed soon, especially since we're here." The strange cat replied, she lead Ambertide into a large clearing with different colored trees surrounding it and one normal tree in the center of the clearing. The strange tree's had gold-ish, pale trunks and branches and leaves that were either red, blue or green and the moonlight shined through every crack in the leaves it could possibly find.
"What is this place?" Ambertide asked.
"This place is known as the Hollow. It is the closest you can possibly get to Moonstar." The strange cat replied.
"Moonstar." Ambertide muttered, the fact that she had mentioned him made Ambertide even more curious to her identity, "H-how do you know about Moonstar."
"I was once a part of MoonClan." the cat meowed.
"So you're part of StarClan now? Am I dreaming?" Ambertide asked.
"No you're very much awake but now you must sleep for all to be revealed." The cat replied, Ambertide suddenly felt dizzy and tired, she fell to the floor and drifted off into sleep.

743Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri May 13, 2016 7:50 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

   Cerin tilted her ears to the sound. "What was that?" she asked no one in particular. Then she shook her head. "Agh. I keep getting distracted. Focus, Cerin!" she sighed. "Weird callin' myself that..."
   Suddenly, there was a yowl of fright that startled Cerin. "YAH!"
    But at the same time, it piqued her interest. "Let's go have a look-see."

744Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty blood plague Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:15 pm


StarClan Warrior
StarClan Warrior

Jupiter wrote:What do you mean by 'blood plague'? I honestly have no idea
I know! Cute Kitty Bunny Dancin Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 3157566502 Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 4090826584 Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 3066031242

745Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:26 pm


ShadowClan Medicine Cat
ShadowClan Medicine Cat





Age:22 moons




Looks:Short black fur, blue eyes, 1 ear missing, scar along flank to eye

Personality:mean, loves to torment people, adores darkness

Power(s):he can make it night once a day when it is 4 hours before night.

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):

History: fell out of a tree as a kit. got lost in the two leg's homes. was adopted by shadow clan. has been with them ever since

Theme Song:

Last edited by Darkheart on Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:27 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : more limitations)

746Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty hello Tue May 30, 2017 12:36 pm



Hi check out doll divine it's so cool well bye

747Stormclan's Rise - Page 30 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue May 30, 2017 10:36 pm



name: stormysky

clan: thunderclan

rank: deputy / mentor

gender: female

age: 13 moons old

ex mate: seedtail

kits: sunkit, treekit, branchkit, puoncepaw, farpaw

family: mom: cinderheart. dad: lionblaze. sis's : flowerstar, lightingrun, sticktail. brother: strikefoot.

looks: all gray except white stripe on cheat. light green eyes. Silver teardrop on the edge of eye

personality: kind and caring also unselfish but if angered deadly

power: able to control weather, when stormy fallen leaves and other achent cats come and train her

other: loves to hunt and play with kits

nine lives: n/y

history: powers started when became apprentice but told no one  

theme song:if I die young: by The Band Perry

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