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Stormclan's Rise

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1Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Stormclan's Rise Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:44 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

First topic message reminder :

The Stormclan is few in members but strong. Their leader, on the other hand, well, could do with a few more lessons. There are 2 other clans in the forest: Echoclan and Mapleclan. We have survived many harsh 'storms' earning us our name. We have special powers; some stronger than others. We have many more harsh things to defeat before peace falls upon our forest, but we will rise to face them. We will survive! We are strong!

(If you are a rouge or loner and you are going to stay that way for awhile or forever, leave out the powers and special abilities; if you join a clan later on, you will gain them.)
If you are in Stormclan introduce your self like this to join:













Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

If you are in Mapleclan or Echoclan, introduce yourself like this:











Special Ability:


Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders):


Theme Song:

here is mine:

Name: Jaystar

Clan: Stormclan

Rank: Leader

Gender: Male

Age: 72 moons

Mate: none yet.

Kits: N/A

Mother - Nightwhisper
Father - Sunclaw
Brother - Blazefang
Sister - Featherpaw

Looks: small cat with pale gray fur and darker gray swirls. The tips of his ears are black and his tail tip is white. His front paws are black and his muzzle is too. His fur a short and his back legs are white.

Personality: Fierce, smart, funny, curious, thinks beyond borders, caring

Power(s): can read minds, walk in dreams, and Telekinesis (which he doesn't know about yet) 

Other: looks blind but isn't. He is smaller than most warriors

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders): 8 left. 


Theme Song: Gasoline

You can only have up to 3 main characters per user.



Last edited by Iceshard on Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:39 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : I'm upgrading it heheh)

701Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:05 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~I'm changing Ambertide's age to 24 moons old

702Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:43 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~might wanna do a quick re-read of my previous post as I added to it.
Arrow: No. No. N-no. No.
Me: Okay, you might wanna do a--
Silver: *laughing*
Me: Silver.
Silver: Yeah?
Me: Do you mind?
Silver: I'm sorry. I'm high right now.
Arrow: *laughs uncontrollably*
Me: You might wanna do a quick re-read of my--
Shadow: You talk too much.
Shadow: Heheheh.
Me: Shut up!*voice crack* Oh. Shut up.
Me: Ohhhhhhhh kanohhhhhh.
Arrow: Ahem.
Me: *laughing*
Arrow: AHEM.
Silver, Sonic, Amy: *laughing*
Arrow: Jupi. AHEM!
Me: *continues laughing*
Arrow: AHEM! JUPI!
Me: I'm sorry I think I'm--
Arrow: No. No. No. N-no. You are not high right now.
Me: Yes, I am. Didn't you see that candy I ate?
Arrow: Since Jupi seems to have her hands full...
Me: *laughing uncontrollably*
Arrow: I'll take over for her! Basically what she was saying is that she made some CHANGES to her previous post--
Sonic: On MobiusBook. *laugh*
Arrow: Sonic, shut up! She made some changes to her previous post and advices that you re-read her post. So seeya next time!
Me: *still laughing* No! Wait!
Arrow: I did it for you. B*tch.
Me: Arrow. I'm--
Arrow: *shaking me* YOU ARE NOT HIGH!
Me: If you say so dot dot dot.
Everyone: *bursts out laughing*
Arrow: Stop. Saying. PUCTUATION!
~the next day~
Me: Hey, Arrow?
Arrow: Yeah?
Me: Y'know, yesterday. I wasn't gonna say 'high'
Arrow: *stiffens*
Me: *laughing* I was gonna say 'dying'
Arrow: *shaking in fury*
Me: *stops laughing, suddenly nervous* Oh, crap. Eheh... Um... Gotta run! *runs off* SHADE, SHADOW! CORBY! SONIC! AQUA! ANYONE OF YOU! *hides behind Silver* Help me...
Arrow: *runs up to the group and instantly spots Jupi* *smirks* Aww... I Jupi hiding behind her wittle cwush? Aw.. How cute. You scared? Don't worwy. I will bite.
Me: *blushes*
Silvia, Silver, Blaze, Amber: What?!
Blaze: Jupi... *growls*
Me: N-no Blaze! I don't have a crush on Silver. I have a crush on someones else! *laughs nervously*
Sonic: I heard a 's' after "someone".
Shadow: Tell us your deepest darkest secret.
Me: No.
Shadow: Gosh Dangit.
Arrow: *growls*
Me: *yelps in fear and hides behind Shadow*
Shadow: !!! What are you doi--
Me: Protect me and I'll think about writing up Shadaqua.
Shadow: *nods*

703Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:28 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunter just ignored Whiplash and dropped down, flipping himself over in the process. He landed in a sprint and disappeared into the brush. Several minutes later he slammed into Stardust. "I've had enough of territorial boundaries! Stand down or i tear you apart!" Hunter snarled as he unsheathed his claws and bared his teeth. His tail was whipping back and forth in fury and the fur on the back of his neck stood up straight.


Last edited by Hunterstrike on Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:04 am; edited 1 time in total


704Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:26 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Windslash was shocked at the reaction of the enormous tabby, but ignored that as he went down to help, he immediately appeared beside Hunterstrike and prepared to battle when he smelled a familiar scent, he could tell just by the scent he was getting form him that he was about to attack. Windslash darted in front of him.
"Do not attack." Windslash meowed, practically ordering him as if he was a MoonClan cat, "I don't recognize the scent right away but this cat is from StormClan." Windslash readied himself for an attack in case the warrior was not what he seemed.

~YES! Finally, something to work with.

Last edited by Stormstar on Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I wanted to add something)

705Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:06 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~*frustrated sigh* you finally come on, Hunterstrike, and you post.... I dunno how to explain it this way. So let me start over.
   Hunterstrike, Stardust is on the other side of the forest, on her territory, quite some ways in. Also, you can't control other's characters without permission. I'm sorry to have to make you change it, I really am. But I can't just sit here expecting you to read my mind and letting myself slowly die inside because of the wrongness (info) of posts.
   Stormstar, I'm sorry... I know you've been looking for reasons, and I'm sorry to take this away from you... Maybe you get Hunter back on at least so he can fix his post?
  Again, I'm sorry...~

706Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:55 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~OK, for one thing, apparently I'm confused and secondly, WHY!?

707Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:51 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~because yolo~

708Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:01 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

~Oi! Stop criticizing my work! I've been really busy lately with finals coming up! plus it's edited, and two Hunter runs extremely fast, don't you remember?~


709Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:33 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

(Featherpaw's pov:)
   I gasped as I saw a grey figure slam into the blue-grey she-cat. But Stardust skidded only a few tail lengths back, staying on her paws. Quickly recovering from the blow, Stardust flashed a glare at the grey figure I now recognized as Hunterstrike.
    "Get off my territory, you overgrown rogue!" the EchoClan deputy spat.
    With a snarl, Stardust leaped towards Hunterstrike. I widened my eyes in shock, then narrowed them. I knew what I had to do.
   "This is for your own good Stardust," I muttered. Then I rushed towards her.
   Time seemed to slow as I neared and leapt. I saw pure fury plastered on the deputy's face turn to shock as I headbutted her in the flank.[1]
   As soon as I did so, we flew across the clearing. I opened my eyes to see Stardust's eyes closed. I jumped back and locked eyes with Hunterstrike.
   "I know I'm much younger than you, Hunterstrike, but you need to listen to me. Just because your bigger than all of us does not mean you get to stroll into other Clans territories whenever you want! You have to show some respect! And don't you dare call me a hypocrite. I never noticed I crossed the borders. That still doesn't make it right, though.
   "I need you to go back. If you came here for me, then fine. I'll go with you. But only as far as across the border of StormClan territory. I... I still need some cooling down time..." I dropped my head.
   "Since when did StormClan stick up for others?" Stardust suddenly snarled. "We don't need your defense."
   I didn't reply.
   "Just get off our territory, or you'll be sorry."

[1] time is normal now

710Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:44 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Windslash heard this comment and interrupted the tension, "Not sure if this is exactly the best time but judging by your comment here, I'd say Ambertide has not requested your allegiance yet, so now, as deputy of MoonClan, I'd like to request your friendship to rise against a threat that could destroy us all." Windslash meowed, "MoonClan has recently received a dangerous omen from StarClan and we need all of the Clans to combat it. We may be leading us to the next Dead Forest Rebellion but if we don't do this we'll be leading the entire forest to it's doom."

711Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:02 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

(Stardust's pov:)
   "Oh, so now all of StormClan thinks they can step into our territory? And MoonClan?" I snorted. "Grow up. Every cat in their right mind knows those are just nursery stories. Legends. Not real. And I'm definately not going to become allies with StormClan or MoonClan just because some blind furball tells me there's danger with this dead forest. I don't see how a forest being dead makes it so dangerous all the Clans have to join together."
   "Actually--" the grey she-cat began.
   "Shut up!" I lashed out at the small cat, knocking her down. "You have no right to be here." I held my claws to her neck, pinning her down. "Leave, now. That goes for all of you."
   "The new, the old... The scared, the bold... The echos lay in wait, as young warriors meet their fate." the strange she-cat gasped suddenly.
   Thrushheart coughed from behind me. "So, uh... Is that supposed to be a prophecy...?"

712Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:45 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Windslash fluffed up his fur and began to summon the winds around him, "I don't care if you don't want to join forces with StormClan!" Windslash growled, "And if you don't believe in MoonClan, I will take you to the camp myself! By force if I have to! You want to live? You want the entire forest to live? Then come with me NOW!"

Last edited by Stormstar on Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I needed to change something)

713Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:30 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

(Featherpaw's pov:)
   Scrambling to my paws, I stood back in front of Stardust and glared at the two older cats indignantly. "No. Stop. Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!" I shook my head in frustration. "Windslash, you can NOT, can NOT go around all like 'Oh, I'm the deputy of the legendary MoonClan, and I have these AMAZING wind powers, and if someone refuses my offer of becoming allies, then I'm going to take over their Clan.' NO! So just -- just, shut UP!"
(Stardust pov:)
   I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that a cat from another Clan was defending -- kind of -- my Clan, or her bravery.
   "I -- I have had ENOUGH of this!" she snarled. "NO MORE! All this...this -- I DUNNO. Just, stop it! Just because you are deputy of some legendary Clan, you thick you can do anything?! NO!"
   I took a deep breath. Then I stepped up beside the young cat. What am I doing? "I can't believe I'm saying this... But... I agree." Obviously.
   "Makes sense," Thrushheart agreed as he stepped up as well. Fireblaze and Blossompaw followed.
   "Windslash," the small cat growled. "Like I keep saying -- shut. Up."

714Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:41 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Um, OK, that was insulting Featherpaw." Windslash meowed, "Anyway, that aside, thank you for accepting this allegiance but by the way you spoke earlier, you sounded like what I meant by Dead Forest was a dead forest, I think in order for you to be able to help you need to see this forest and the MoonClan camp."

715Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:28 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

"I haven't fully accepted yet," I growled. "I may be the deputy, but the leader makes the final decision. So maybe, maybe I'll meet you guys tomorrow at moonhigh at the border to tell you what Duskstar has announced. With his permission," I paused. "'You guys' being uh, Windslash, was it? And... Featherpaw. Just because I have kinda agreed on this alliance with MoonClan, doesn't mean I have agreed to one with StormClan. Got that?"
(Featherpaw's pov:)
   I was still angry. I still had fury left in me. What is this?! What is this?! This... This anger! This... Ugh! I don't--
   "AH!" I screamed. At first, I wasn't sure why. Then I was.
   I spun around, planting my paws on the spot where my tail should've been. In a panic, I flicked my tail toward my paws, and finally stamped out the fire. "Phew..." I sighed. Then I realized everyone was staring at me. "Eheheh... Um... My tail was on fire..."

716Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:07 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Um, OK then, I'll meet you there, if you could actually bring Duskstar then I could bring Nightstar." Windslash meowed, "I'm going to be honest, he's better at explaining issues than me."

717Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:15 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

Stardust narrowed her eyes. "Will do... But for now, leave. And don't come back in without permission."
   I thought I heard rustling in the bushes, but when I turned to look at it, nothing was there.
   I saw Stardust looking at me expectantly and realized she must've asked something.
   "I-I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
   Stardust sighed. "I asked you if you knew why your tail was on fire!" she snapped.
   "Oh. Um -- n-no." I muttered.
    "Hmm... Well, get off our territory."

718Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:44 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"OK, we'll leave," Windslash meowed, "See you at moonhigh." Windslash padded off into the brush towards the MoonClan Camp.

719Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:25 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

"Good," Stardust grumbled.
  Shooting one last glance at the EchoClan deputy, I raced back to camp.

~sorry about the shortness~

720Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:00 pm



Wait, I'm so confused. Sorry I was inactive for a while...

721Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:02 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Well then look through posts since the last time you posted and find out what's going on

722Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:42 pm



~Wait, are we on the dawn patrol, Jupi?

723Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:35 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

~yes. Fireblaze and Blossompaw (and Thrushheart, who I just threw in there) -- they are on the dawn patrol with Stardust.

724Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:10 pm




Fireblaze's Pov:

"Yeah, get of out our territory, you..." I growled, "Cats!" Darn. No epic comeback....grr, I thought. As I sprinted toward camp, I saw a mouse. "Might as well get some prey," I said to myself as I stepped on a twig. The mouse ran away but I decided to run after it.

725Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:19 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Windslash heard the remark as he padded off and could only think "Wow, fail." He hurried back to MoonClan to report his discoveries and progress with the alliance. Once he had returned to camp he found his leader pacing outside his den, Windslash padded over to him.
"Nightstar?" He meowed.
"Windslash!" Nightstar meowed, "Thank StarClan you're alright! Where were you?"
"Hunting an old enemy." Windslash meowed, by the silence he could tell his leader understood what he meant, "I also made new progress in the alliance we're forming with the other Clans."
Nightstar's ears pricked, "How so?" Nightstar asked, his tone now very serious.
"I ran into the deputy of... I think it was EchoClan; anyway, she had agreed to join us if her leader gives the okay, we agreed to meet at moonhigh along the border." Windslash meowed, "I assume you'll be coming too correct?"
"Yes, of course." Nightstar replied, "However, I'd prefer if the next time you leave to do something like that, you tell me first, I just don't want any part of MoonClan to fall again."
"I promise to tell you next time." Windslash meowed.

726Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:40 am


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

"How exactly did you two change?" Jaystar asked.
   "Rather not say," Cerin replied. "It's not--"
   "It was me." said a voice. Cerin whirled around to see Silver. "I did it. Well, not me specifically, but..."
   Jaystar shook his head. "Don't try to explain; I'll only get more confused. Who are you anyways?"
    "Oh. My name is Silver." Silver mumbled.
   "Hello Silver. I am Jaystar, leader of StormClan. What in the stars are you doing in my camp?"

Last edited by Jupiter on Tue May 03, 2016 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

727Stormclan's Rise - Page 29 Empty Re: Stormclan's Rise Tue May 03, 2016 1:47 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Name: Midnight

Clan: None

Rank: None

Gender: Female

Age: 60 moons

Mate: Dead

Kits: You'll see...

Family: You'll see...

Looks: a pitch black cat with blue eyes and a crescent moon on her forehead when she's using her power

Personality: For the most part, a mystery, only two living cats know her well enough to give her personality a proper judge

Power(s): previously... More of a special ability of sorts, she drew energy from the moon at night to make her more powerful in multiple ways, speed, strength, the five senses and even a small boost in intelligence but now, it's blood plague.

Other: All of the "You'll see"s are because I have something big for this character and I don't want to spoil the surprises Smile

Nine Lives (This only applies to leaders): N/A

History: You'll see...

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