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Minutes of Life (Random Human Universals RPG) Pokeball_kitty_gif

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Warrior Cats Creator
We enjoy new members and are always happy for some new roleplayers. WCC (Warrior Cats Creator) is full of fun things to do. There is a game section, a roleplay section, a Non-Warrior Cat Related section, a New Here? Section, and a Help! Section. Interested? All you have to do is register. Please, only warrior or tribe names unless you want to join BloodClan or be a Rogue/Loner/Kittypet. If you need help, always feel free to ask an Admin. If they aren't available then ask a Mod. Don't forget to tell your friends about this Site!
Hope To See You Around~ The Admins: Echostar, Cherrystar, and FawnStar.
Minutes of Life (Random Human Universals RPG) Pokeball_kitty_gif
Warrior Cats Creator
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Minutes of Life (Random Human Universals RPG)

6 posters

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Air Secondary
Air Secondary

The Universal's live in a realm created by (A Void universal).We call it Cherechawn (Our alternate dimension to Echfawche(Earth)). They all thrive in a safe environment with no other humans in hunt them down or bring them harm. There are multiple difficulties; ranging from dimension travelling bugs, creatures that have evolved to live in the realm (mystic animals and such), and jurassic changes in the environment. The current 14 (in our current case 5(6)) all live within a village built by co-operation and farming, no technology. Despite arguments and such they all get along well. Each Universal can add onto the dimension as they please, giving it habitable components that can support life and a sense of comfort. Threatening events could still occur in this peaceful realm. Unpredictable weather, failed harvest, rapid movement of the animals, unidentified plants, illnesses with no current cure, science at it’s worst, and unknown natural occurrences. The most life threatening event, could be right under our noses.

Here is an example of how the dimension looks~

Also, here is some of the little things as examples for what could be used in Cherechawn, along with month names+dates, events and etcetera-

Ueily Edes Wine
Chiefelly Vodka
Secco Rosso Rum/Gin
Riwer'fier Beer

Unity Day
Festival of Wonders
Celebration of Souls
Carnage Eclipse

Fade Sage
Winter Rue


Creation of Time - Adventure
The Somber Void - Horror
Jokes Abroad - Humor
Visions of Tomorrow - Mystery
Doom to Destiny - Scifi

32 days = 1 month, 4 weeks = 1 month
1 Aecus - Month of Fire
2 Taran - Month of Earth
3 Zilli - Month Shadow
4 Crozaire - Month of Light
5 Ahio - Month of Air
6 Kryris - Month of Water
7 Sriune - Month of Void

Days Names
8 days = a week
1 Plyst
2 Ryllst
3 Leinst
4 Yunst
5 Ost
6 Starst
7 Eonst
8 Xikst

Currency + Trade
Xou - Coins (silver, gold, platinum)
Anything useful...

*More may be added*
Note: If you have a bday already set for your character, you do not need to change the date accordingly to Cherechawn's. We are still going to use normal Echfawche (Earth (Regular)) time/dates and the such, despite the differences, only to make it sensical to us.

RULES (Please read)

  • NO inappropriate content (mild gore is permitted and kissing/dating is fine)
  • 10+ sentences per post
  • NO constant drama (The drama scenes shouldn’t exceed more than 3 posts and once another scene between 2+characters ends, another one shouldn’t occur right after. Know that you have a limit when it comes to creating drama please.)
  • NO  profanities
  • NO double posts (I mean it’s common sense.)
  • NO spam (as in the food) (Don’t have your character repeat the same thing. If no one replies to your character's dialogue, move one. And please don’t ask someone to have their character do something specific in order to complete the little play in your head. It’s their reply and they can choose how to reply.)
  • Please make the story flow together, no choppiness, or random, illogical scenes. Most importantly, don’t run off topic at any point before or during.
  • Please follow the Roleplaying Regulation topic’s instruction.
  • If we find a post that doesn’t meet the expectations then you will be asked to adjust. If the adjustments aren’t made within 24 hours of our request we will delete the post. If you have a reasonable reason as to why you couldn’t adjust, PM me or Cherry and we will decide whether or not to extend your deadline.
  • Please wait until each current member of the Universals have signed up before roleplaying. When all 5(6) have signed up, an order of posting will be set. Cherry or myself will set up the chart when every current member has signed up properly. This chart will determine the order of who posts so we don’t have two constant roleplayers replying between each other.
  • Please sign up just by posting your Biography/ biography link, posting a picture/typing a description of your Universals human self, role(s) in the village(farmer, hunter, etc.), age, b-day, height, a brief description of your human self (excluding your looks), and citing the oath provided at the end.
  • 5 points are taken away at each illegal post in this RPG. Cherry and I are to determine whether one is to be illegal or not.
  • If you're a new member to the Universals just sign up like the others did and wait till your added to the chart and given the signal to begin roleplaying.
  • Please do not post anything when it isn’t your turn
  • If you are the first poster, please begin the RPG in a serene way and not drama right off the back. If you do then your post will be deleted and we will move you down the chart, letting the next person begin.


The WCC RPG Oath

I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account for this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen.


The Reply Order Chart



The Shipments

Artellow (ArtemisXHollow)

Artiper (ArtemisXJupiter)

Holloir (HollowXNoir)

Jupillow (JupiterXHollow)Minutes of Life (Random Human Universals RPG) Hearts (caught up in their own little world twosome)


Jinxellow (JinxXHollow)

Jinxemis (JinxXArtemis)

Jinolt (JinxXVolt)

Noinx (NoirXJinx) (the sweet pair (pear))

Notemis (NoirXArtemis)

Nopiter (NoirXJupiter)

Voloir (VoltXNoir)

Voltemis (VoltXArtemis) (temperamental duo)

Voltellow (VoltXHollow)

(These are just dating shipments, that could possibly happen during the RPG, created by myself and a member who is to remain anonymous unless they would like their name known. More shipments will be added if a new universal joins.)

Be prepared for the unexpected.

We'd appreciate it if ALL Universals took part in this RPG for it is mean't for them and we wouldn't be complete without every current Universal member.


Last edited by Artemis on Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:35 pm; edited 5 times in total


Air Primary
Air Primary



Age: 21 years
Birthday: August 12
Height: 5' 10"

Volt tends to wear simple clothing, consisting of a jacket, shirt, sneakers, and jeans. His modern era pistol can be found strapped to his waist, and sniper is on his back. His elemental air tattoo can be found on his back, and is a red color. Whenever he activates some of his bigger abilities, such as summoning a storm or something, the designs spread to his face, and glow a neon red.

Volt is the unrelenting storm of the Universals, continuously at the heart of the attack. He's rather rude and closed off from everyone else, but cares about them nonetheless. A powerful and relentless fighter, Volt hates accepting help from others, and would rather do things his own way, and alone for that matter. He tends to keep his emotions bottled up inside himself, and when they reach the breaking point, they.. well, it's a mess. His stubborn and secluded nature prevents him from interacting too much with the other Universals, and usually ends up getting angry and yelling insults at them. Out of all of them, he's probably closest to Artemis, who is his soulbound partner. He also hates being looked down upon and belittled. It irks him in the worst way possible, and will cause an enraged storm to be sent chasing after you. He also rarely ever speaks of his past, and will tend to snap even more at people and tell them to back the f*ck off of that topic. In his free time, he enjoys going off alone to hone his fighting skills and elemental abilities, as well as just exploring or reading a nice book.

In the village, he mainly serves as a hunter and sometimes guard. He oversees the weather, and will sometimes make it rain over the crops to help water them.

I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account for this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen.

Last edited by Volt on Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:33 pm; edited 7 times in total


Air Secondary
Air Secondary


Age: 20
Height: 5'
B-day: 1/1/1889

Artemis is the, unusually, aggressive, opinionated character of the Universals. She is often aggressive to hide her defensive nature, and has the willingness to solve a problem by force, half of the time winning. She is highly protective of her secrets but, nonetheless, she is willing to share a personal problem. Despite these unusual aspects she is very passionate. Ready with a shrewd or witty remark, she is set on proving herself to anyone who questions her tactics, or her in general. She is ready to involve herself in any event or situation with no hesitance, thus bringing out her protective nature. Most of the time she is seen around Volt for reasons unclear. When asked her response mainly deals with the soulbound relationship.

In the village she is marked as a helper and a guard. She uses her speed to help corner animals for the hunter to kill, in guarding she uses her speed to check the borders, holding a bow n arrow and a dagger, hidden in her clothing, at her side in case of emergencies, when is comes to farming she mainly uses her speed to quickly spread seeds. When she isn't needed she just sits and relax in a tree, distant meadow, etc., or goes training out in a field.
I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account of this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen.
Who says I ever had a social life? Razz

Last edited by Artemis on Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


Water Secondary
Water Secondary


looks: Long black hair, usually in a braid; pale skin; green eyes

attire: light blue crop top(only shows about 3 inches), black jacket, black skirt that reaches just below her knees, black boots, black fingerless gloves.

   Jupiter isn't one for communication. Usually lost in her own thoughts, imagination, caught up in a book, or focused on her job, Jupiter isn't one for many friends either, though she will still help her fellow Universals. Whenever someone talks to her, she usually replies softly, barely, or not at all. She will sometimes talk nonsense, which is one reason she doesn't really have many friends.
   Jupiter can be very arrogant, sometimes belittling her opponents and insulting their lack of strength, though she rarely does this to other Universals. She also has a cocky and snarky attitude at times, and can be pretty smug and stubborn.
   She will also brush off most sympathy or kindness sent her way. Jupiter rarely bluffs, and when she makes a threat, she intends to carry it out. Same goes for promises and dares.
   She is a marked as a guard in the village, usually armed with a bow n arrow, sometimes hidden under her jacket. She is always armed with a hunting knife and/or a dagger of some sort. When she isn't doing any of that, she's usually chilling in a tree, reading, thinking, or just chillaxing, sometimes training as well )(not in the tree, of course)
I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account of this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen

Hey, are we allowed to add anything animal-like to our characters, such as a tail or (cat, bunny, etc.) ears?
Also, I would do a crossbow but I don't know if such a thing exists in this world.


Void Secondary
Void Secondary



Birth Date: December 31, 11.57 pm, 1616 (January 1, 1617)

Hollow is the Timekeeper of Cherechawn, a.k.a The Chronicler. He up keeps the time flow throughout the dimension, keeps the time of substances up to its newest/freshest/faster(or slower) growth. He does as he needs with the power of time, whatever it may be.

Despite being the eldest Universal, Hollow tends to hardly ever talk with any of them. He is a socially awkward, anti-social, introvert. He hates when others see his weakest points, especially affection. He desires nothing but being alone, at the moment, due to his horrid past, with every waking second of knowing what is to come. For being able to see the future, he uses it to his advantage to try and hide from the others if they want/need his help. He is very useful, however, he only shows it when no one is around. There are times for if he becomes comfortable with someone, he'll come to open up a bit, but all the while being cautious.
He'd also become possessive if that someone is the only one he has, but he does know when to let go. Only on occasion would he dare hurt the ones he loves; especially if he finds them being unfair to him or if they hurt him, thus sometimes bottling his agitation. Hollow isnt territorial, but dislikes his space being over run, attacking any unwelcome intruders. He is, too, quite cold-hearted, pushing away those that truly irritate him, or he hates. He used to be a power-hungry Universal, until one life time ago, where he met his cousin's, kid's, kid, as he watched him get murdered.
There are those certain times however, when he's in a good mood, that he'll crack some jokes, or laugh at others' jokes. He has a sarcastic, dry sense of humor, and like any one, loves to laugh/having a great time. He does try to make an effort to be with others too; he knows he cant hide like a freak forever.
The above is only him as Hollow, today. The rest of him and his personality, is a side of someone from a long time's past...

The WCC RPG Oath
I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account for this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen....

Last edited by Hollow on Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total


WindClan Medicine Cat

ModWindClan Medicine Cat

His Looks:


Jinx is practically the fun-loving jokester that always matures up when the time is right. He doesn't enjoy seeing others stressed, sad, angry, rude, or ignorant. Even though he tries keeping all things calm and wonderful, something always happens to ruin the tranquility that makes him quite pissed off. He's very sensitive, which is one of his weaknesses that he can't get rid of easily. He's very humorous, gentle, and a real family-man to be quite honest. He tries his best all the time and if he makes a mistake or he does/says something he regrets doing/saying later, he'll do anything to fix it until it's the right way again. He gets along real well with others who share the same personality traits as him. He's intelligent but also out-going. He sometimes criticizes others' ideas but he still tells them how good of an idea it is even though he's noticed the ideas' faults as well.

Jinx is roughly 19 years old in human years. He has light ginger-russet hair and amber eyes. He's usually seen wearing colorful or dark sweatshirts with jeans, sometimes he wears a hat on his head, and sometimes he wears a necklace around his neck.

Jinx keeps all matter in one piece so that life and everything can exist. Makes sure the dimensions stay alive.


I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account for this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen.



Fire Secondary
Fire Secondary



Noir is highly sweet, polite, and caring, sometimes shy. She has longed to fit in and be happy with the Universals. She is always fun and will want to brighten up any day for someone who is depressed. Being highly adventourus , she isn't scared much physically. Dipping into her emotional state she would be found as a frightened child. She doesn't carry much remorse for any act of blood-shed but will when she hurt someones feelings. She loves and cherishes her friends and will do anything to protect, even avenge, then.

In the village she is seen as the blacksmith. She may not work with fire like her primary counterpart but she is highly skilled at this job and loves it. She lives in the blacksmith and has no problem with the solitude. When it is needed she will cast a shield over the entire village to protect against uncalled for hurricanes or invasion. She will waste every last drop of her mana to protect them. 

Age> 19
Height> 5'4"
B-day> June 22nd, 1900

I pledge my social life to this sacred oath that I will in fact, never disrespect or betray my allegiance to this oath. I shall render unconditional obedience, and that as the brave RPer that I am, I shall at all times be prepared to give my account for this oath by the name of Warrior Cats Creator. Amen.

8Minutes of Life (Random Human Universals RPG) Empty The fu Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:11 pm


Air Primary
Air Primary

Volt was awakened by a creaking noise in his room. The fu... He sat up to glance around. Nothing. His room was barren, save for the slightly open window, and the breeze that was coming through. Pushing the thought out of his mind, cause surely, the house couldn't be haunted, he stood up. Oh, Fudge him. He didn't even change. He grimaced as the dry mud made it difficult to move around too much. They were coming off in giant flakes, and creating a huge mess on his bedroom floor. He groaned. "What the Fudge? Really?" Getting his morning routine out of the way, and changing into more comfortable clothes, he walked downstairs to the living room. No one. The house was completely barren, save for some quiet snoring from upstairs. Then again, it was still rather early in the morning, and it had been a pretty difficult day yesterday. His legs were still sore. On his way out, he grabbed his pistol and sniper, secured them, and opened the door, just in time to be greeted with a face full of wind. Volt grumbled some rather creative curses under his breath and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, pulling it tighter to his body and walked out.

The sun's rays were now peacefully peaking over the mountains in the distance, and Volt couldn't help but admire the view. Honestly, he was more of a weather person (considering he was the air's primary element user), but sunsets and sunrises were always a nice presence. He glanced at the slightly cloudy sky. A storm... But it wouldn't hit until a few hours later, so that was ok. Settling down at the base of a tree just outside the boundaries of their territory, he took out a coin and with his magnetism abilities, began maneuvering it inside and outside, under and over, his fingers.

Last edited by Volt on Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total


Air Secondary
Air Secondary

Artemis hugged her pillow tightly as she stared at the wooden wall. The nights have been peaceful but she still lacked the proper hours of rest. The curtains shielded the suns ray but tendrils escaped through holes and crack, brightening the room. Turning her head and groaning into the cotton pillow, she pushed herself up. For being the Air secondary, Speed, she was quiet slow in the mornings. She looked at her uniform, neatly folded on the nightstand. She picked up her clothing and quickly changed out. She opened a small drawer and shuffled the items around inside, searching for her ponytail holder. Dang it. She pulled out a small blue ribbon and tied her hair up. She swung her foot back and slammed the drawer shut. Travelling to the kitchen, she shoved an apple in her mouth and kicked open her door. The wind was no surprise when it blasted against her small frame. She muttered to herself and slipped the black gloves out of her pocket, sliding them on.

She stood atop the small hill her house was settled on and watched the sun rise, blaring it's bright rays. She glared at the sun and raised a hand over her eyes. Your too bright. You trying to pick a fight with me? She turned away from the sun and walked towards the farm fields. The water sparkling and grass shining in the sun. At least you make a beautiful scene. She let out a sigh and passed by a rice plot.


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

I sighed as the wind picked up. Sitting atop a tree, I wasn't looking forward to today. I groaned. "Ugh! I'm so bored!" using my telekinesis, I made my down the tree. "I just wanna do something fun! Like..." I sighed. Everything I thought was fun, others didn't.
  Then a picture of Hollow flashed in my mind. "There's something about him..." I shook my head. "Naw, it's nothing."
   As I headed for my house, I ducked down, clutching my head in pain. "Arrrgg! Nrrrgg. Uhhn. Rrrraarrggg! M-m-make it s-s-stop!" the pain was extreme. I slowly fell to the ground, on my knees. Still clutching my head, I doubled over. "H-h-h... hul... s-someb-body..." 
   Slowly, the pain receded. I sat there, panting, still clutching my head. I pushed my hands back slightly, messing my already-messy hair. "Wha-what was that?!" still confused, I dropped my hands and stood up. "Th-those... images..."
   I shook my head, trying to clear it, but I couldn't. I managed to get them somewhat to the back of my head, but I knew they would come back to trouble me more at some point. Well, for now, I better get back.
   Making my way to my house once again, I turned around as I felt warmth on my back. I saw the sun peaking above the trees. I gave the slightest smile. Something rare. Stored only for special someones. And at the moment, there were none of those.
   But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. And I returned to my walk home.


Void Secondary
Void Secondary

Within a small little house-like shelter, hidden among debris, in a forested land and beside a dirt/cobble wall, housed Hollow.
He lived alone, almost, in solitude. Of course, he wasn't the only folk within the area. There were others, Universals, is what they were called in the other dimension. This dimension was where they had been living for some time now, to keep their kind safe from harm. It was created by the Voids, which consisted of only Jinx and himself. For being alive for so long, he more than easily knew how to get a dimension set up. Three life times ago, he had done so with a friend...But that dimension was long gone, especially now that Cherechawn was created.
Lying on his rectangular, small bed, set up in the corner of the room, Hollow gazed up at his ceiling. His home was shaded from the sun, and only on occasion did light ever sneak in. He usually kept his blinds and curtains closed, but his window open. He enjoyed the soft sound of the outdoors; he'd keep it open to the point where it got below freezing point.
Continuously gazing upward, Hollow tried to not think of anything, not even his duties. Sure, he had just woken up, but he felt like he could sleep even longer. Though sleep had not come to him; thus why he lie awake, doing and thinking absolutely nothing, except for one thing. With his pale blue eyes wide open in the dimness of the room, he had thought about the why the heck couldnt he sleep.


WindClan Medicine Cat

ModWindClan Medicine Cat

Jinx woke up with a splitting headache, his brown eyes glittering as he sat up onto his bed. Some mornings I hate and today is one of them, he thought in his head before he stood up. He quickly got dressed into a suitable outfit, his working shirt showing his slight muscular arms. He stretched his back, grunting loudly and he smacked his lips. "Well Jinx, looks like we might have work to do today!" he exclaimed to himself. He got on his dirty, old boots and walked across the room, his boots making loud footsteps on the wooden cabin's floor. He opened the door and peered out into the morning light. The sun was just above the horizon. He hated living all by himself, but then again it brought him some comfort, because others would see how weird he'd be.
He walked down the 3 stairs leading towards his door and walked down the small gravel path, hoping to run into one of the other one of The Universals that lived in this dimension. Sometimes he found himself wondering if they knew just how important he was to everything's existence. Without him there would be nothing here, life would cease to exist, and everything would be dead.

(I may need someone to reset Jinx's password Razz )



Fire Secondary
Fire Secondary

~I am soo sorry for holding up this RPG. I got distracted with my studies for my ACT test but now that's over and I'm good to come back on without any distractions.~

   Noir laid sleeping on her desk. Papers of sketches and statistics were scattered around the floor. Her hair was loose and covered her face in a red veil. No sun shined into the room. She was in the attic above her shop. She had no window, no cracks or splits that would let the sun dribble in. Noir didn't seek anytime for a window installment. 
   She began sniffling and she soon pushed herself up of her desk. Small puddles of drool were on the desk, luckily none got on the papers. She picked out a cotton cloth and wiped her lips before cleaning the desk of the drool. Noir stood up and placed her hands above her head, clampng her hands together and bending her back forward. Loud pops came as she cracked her back multiple times. She then took her time and cracked her knuckles and legs. Feeling loose and relaxed she bounded over to an old birch coat hanger and lifted her cape off the hook. She folded in one her shoulder and began grabbing the all of her accessories; keys, sea shell belt, sword, leather belt and straps, and a charm she mysteriously found on day. She threw on her cape and kicked open her door. The door slammed harshly into the wall and came flying back, hitting hit. Noir stumbled back and held her nose.
   "Everyday and yet I still don't learn..." She muttered and popped her nose. Her hands dropped to her side and she gave a shrug. "Oh well."
   Noir slid down the rails of her spiral staircase and entered her shop downstairs. Her shop had no front walls, just sliding doors. She flicked open some bamboo curtains covering two large windows on the side. The doors slid open quickly as she pushed with all her might. They may be sliding doors but they were quite heavy. She stepped outside into the warming temperature and looked proudly at her shop. 
   "Maybe I could get Volt to clear out the dust for me." She placed a finger on her bottom lip and remembered his attitude. "Nope. Too scary in the mornings." Chills went down her spine. She grabbed a broom and hopped inside, starting to spiffy up the place.


Air Primary
Air Primary

Volt sighed, getting up from his position next to the tree. Nobody was around; Guess they were all working on their own things. Well, whatever. Maybe he could go out on a quick hunt or something. So with that, he ran into the forest. A rustling in a bush caught his attention, and he immediately used the wind to push him upwards onto a tree branch. He perched there, his sniper at the ready. Out stepped a deer. Volt shot. And.. missed. Sh*t! he cursed mentally, as the deer broke away into a run. Volt followed quickly behind, and with the wind, boosted himself forward. He encased his right hand in lightning, and jabbed it into the deer's flank, which then shot out electrical pulses. Once it reached its brain, it killed it pretty quickly. The deer dropped with a thud, and Volt stooped down to fling it over one of his shoulders. To cook this deer, he would need one of Noir's tools. Not that he didn't have any of his own, it was just Noir's tools worked faster, with more efficiency. As he walked down the cobblestone path, he passed another guy. Jinx. Volt huffed, but still politely-reluctantly-nodded in his direction. "Sup," he muttered.

~Much wow. Many detailed. I don't even know what to say, lol.~

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