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1Jupiter Empty Jupiter Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:42 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

Personnel Traits

Name: Jupiter
Alias: Jupe/Jupi
Age: 24 moons
Gender: female
Personality: Jupiter has a passion for adventure and always looking for the next thrill, challenge, and, of course, triumph. When being honest, she tends to be rather blunt. She possesses a snarky tongue and is likewise cocky and playful. Jupe can also be cool, laid-back, and carefree at certain times.
History: Not much is known about Jupi's past. She can barely remember the first five moons of her life. But she had a friend, Iris, who was like a brother to her. He was much older than her and possesed the Secondary Air Element. Jupiter had her speed for an unkown cause, but lost it after the eruption.

Physical Traits

Breed of Cat: American Shorthair
Height: 0'7"
Weight: 6.58 lbs
Color of Eyes: green
Appearance: Jupi is black with messy fur and blue markings that glow when she activates her telekinesis.
Physical/Performance-wise Strengths: Jupe is more fast than strong
Physical/Performance-wise Weakness: strangely, she can't swim 

Mental Traits

 her powers, winning, having fun
Dislikes: planning ahead, when her power doesn't work, squirrels
Fears: fire, cherries
Mental Strengths: her IQ levels aren't super high, but they're about average and when it comes to physical fighting, she knows what she's doing. 
Mental Weaknesses: sometimes she'll say things that just pop into her head instead of thinking them through first, which can embarrass herself.

Social Status 

Tribe/Clan: Universal
Rank: Secondary Water
Family: N/A
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A
Soul Bound Partner: ...

Extra: N/A.

RP Sample: 
   "Okay fine." I groaned. "I'll try." I paused a moment before continuing. "Don't you think it's dangero--"
   "Just do it already!" Iris growled. 
   "Okay okay alright." I replied. Then, taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and used my telekinesis to lift myself off the ground. Then I opened my eyes and gazed at the bubbling lava below. I gulped and moved myself forward nervously. I let out a yelp as lava shot up from below right next to me. I swerved in time to not get hit. I was still not sure why Iris was having me do this. After all, I was only five moons old. Soon, I started to get nervous. I looked back at Iris. "I'm scared!"
   "Just... don't look down!" Iris called back.
   "O-okay!" I looked straight ahead and tried harder. But it was worthless. My glow started to flicker, then faded. And I fell.
   Iris gasped. He narrowed his eyes and sped over to me. He caught me by my scruff and leaped from wall to wall until we reached the end. Then he set me down and looked me in the eyes. "I promise I won't ever let that happen to you again." he said.
   I smiled and got up. Then the cave started to rumble. "I thought this volcano was dead!" I exclaimed.
   "Apparently it isn't!"
   Iris and I ran towards the exit. Just as we were about to reach it, pain shot through my tail. I tried to run forward but I couldn't. I looked back to see a rock had landed on my tail. Iris ran forward to help me, but skidded to a stop just in time to miss being crushed by a rock. The last thing I saw was Iris' worried face saying, "I won't let you die!" before I felt pain on my head and everything went black.

   When I woke up, I saw Iris was asleep next to me. As soon as I stirred, he raised his head. "Thank goodness you're alright!" He said. But he still looked worried.
   "Is something wrong?" I asked.
   "H-how do you feel?" He asked, ignoring my question.
   "Now that I think about it... I feel like running around for days!"
   "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
   We headed outside to our track where we would race. "On you're mark, get set, go!" I said.
   Iris took off ahead of me, and I was going a decent speed, but in a heartbeat, Iris was out of sight. I was momentarily confused, then it hit me. Like a bomb. Iris came running back when he realized I wasn't next to him.
   "Jupiter?" Iris asked worriedly.
   "I-I lost my... speed." I whispered.

Last edited by Jupiter on Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:34 am; edited 3 times in total

2Jupiter Empty Re: Jupiter Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:18 am


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Nice rp sample. Razz

I'll approve of this as I am the one who let you have such a character.

Jupiter Approved


3Jupiter Empty Re: Jupiter Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:06 pm


Water Secondary
Water Secondary

Thanks. For both approving and what you said about my rp sample but more of the rp sample Razz

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