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The Hunt for Hunter

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1The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty The Hunt for Hunter Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:26 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

First topic message reminder :

As some of you know Hunterstrike has issued an "Inactivity Announcement" saying he's going to be role playing on the byond for a while (the traitor) and since he's a pretty important character in most of the RPs here, I'm creating this to make up for him not being here, this RP is basically Hunterstrike randomly goes missing and his closest friends set off to find him. This RP may or may not end when he gets back but he said he'll pop up every once and a while to give hints to where he is and also I'd assume post in the RPs he's in.
I have an idea of what to start with but I'll need the help of the leaders of the 5 clans (Sky, Wind, River, Thunder and ShadowClans) to post at a gathering that'll occur within the story or I'll at least need the leaders of SkyClan RiverClan and WindClan. Also, you can use your normal character or create a BloodClan, possibly Tribe of Rushing Water or loner/kittypet/rouge character with the following template













I hope all the leaders and other cats will participate in this search of the ages

26The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 1:53 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

   Iceshard rose and cleared her throat. "May I say something?"
  The RiverClan leader nodded. Iceshard climbed up onto the Great Rock.
   "Hunterstrike has gone missing," Iceshard began. "There was no scent, no pawprints, no nothing to tell us where he went."
   "Are you suggesting that one of the Clans took him?!" yowled a ThunderClan cat.
   "No, I'm not. I-" Iceshard broke off suddenly. Not because of what was happening around her, but because of what was happening inside her.
   You've done good, Frozen Water.
   What are you talking about?! And for the thousandth time, the name. Is. Iceshard!
   You just wait and see...
   Then Iceshard jumped down from the rock to join her siblings.

27The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:28 pm


Whoa, Iceshard, are you sure that he's gone?Even though I am new to this clan, I still care.This is an intense gathering.

28The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:45 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

It's an RP

29The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:05 pm



Nightshard padded toward Iceshard and said,"Are you sure that he is gone?He just could be dead."

30The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:12 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar glared at the cat feeling not only the anger at her for saying such a thing, but the anxiety that it could be true, Is this true? Stormstar thought Could Hunterstrike really be dead? I have to find out!

31The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:22 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Iceshard turned her gaze to NightShard. "Hunterstrike? Dead?" she let out a snort of laughter. "The only thing that could really kill Hunterstrike, is old age. And maybe a few other things. But there is no way that he is dead."

32The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:27 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar looked at Iceshard She's probably right. Stormstar thought putting his mind at ease, the only thing that could kill that cat is old age. But I'd still like to find out what happened to him, I'll talk to Iceshard once the Gathering is over.

33The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:31 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

The clamoring had calmed down and the other leaders promised to be on the lookout for Hunterstrike. Soon the leaders had finished their turns and the cats below despursed into chatting groups.
   Iceshard, Jayfang, and Dragonwing stayed together.

34The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:34 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar jumped down off the rock next to Iceshard,
"Alright Iceshard, you were saying something about unusual scents in your territory?" Stormstar meowed.

35The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:37 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Iceshard tirned to Stormstar. "That's right. They smelled like thunderpath and dog mingled with cat. Cat was the strongest..."

36The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:00 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar's eyes suddenly filled with rage "Twolegs!" He hissed, "There's no way I'm letting them take away another one of my friends! Which way did the scent lead!?"

37The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:16 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Iceshard exchanged a glance with Dragonwing. "Uh... Actually... I think it was rogues." Iceshard mewed. "There weren't any Twoleg scents."

38The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:18 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Either way, which way did the scents lead?" Stormstar meowed.

39The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:26 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

"Uh... Up... North. I think."  Iceshard responded.
   "If you're plannin' on a hunt, you'd better take Iceshard here with ya," Dragonwing suggested. "She's got a great nose."
   "And a "great" mouth." Jayfang muttered.
   Iceshard gave him a sharp prod in the shoulder and hissed at the corner of her mouth, "Shut up!"
   "Ow! Sorry."

40The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:21 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar let out a mrrow of laughter, "Alright! meet here tomorrow at Moonhigh, let the Hunt for Hunter, begin!" Stormstar meowed, they all went home to their own Clans.
"Cinderwood!" Stormstar called, flicking his tail for the She-cat to join her,
"Yes Stormstar?" She asked
"I'll be going away for a while, I need you to watch over the Clan in my absence." Stormstar meowed.
"What?!" She meowed, "But SkyClan just got their leader a moon ago, they need you!" Cinderwood meowed
"SkyClan has gone a while without a leader and I shouldn't be gone for more than two moons, they can go that long without a leader." Stormstar meowed.
"Where are you even going?" Cinderwood meowed.
"I'm going to find Hunterstrike with Iceshard and the others and I'm going to bring him back by whatever means necessary." Stormstar meowed, "I'll be leaving at Moonhigh tomorrow."
he padded into his den. Once he was asleep Cinderwood padded in with some herbs and a burnt leaf.

41The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:39 pm



Nightshard padded up to Stormstar.She asked,"may I come to find Hunterstrike?"

42The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:27 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Iceshard skidded to a halt at the bottom of the slope. There were two cats waiting for her, opposites in look. One, black with orange. The other, orange with black.
   "What'd they say?" She asked.
   "Well... More of a "Yeah, I guess so." for me."
   "Shut up Dragonwing!" Iceshard laughed. "What about you, Jayfang?" she joked.
   "Mine was like "Hmm.... Fine, I guess. On one condition, youcomebackalive now go!"" Jayfang laughed. "Nah. It just took a while. And lots of persuading."
   "Sweet! Okay, we'll all meet back here tomorrow at moonhigh, along with Stormstar and possibly a few others." Iceshard meowed as she turned back towards the direction of her Camp.
   "Got it!"
   "Sure thing."

43The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:45 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Nightshard, you may want to look at the topic reminders at the top of the page, also, Stormstar is currently in SkyClan, and you're a RiverClan cat so you wouldn't be in SkyClan unless you left your territory

44The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:53 am




45The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:16 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

Stormstar dashed through the woods of ThunderClan towards Fourtrees when he came to the slope he saw that several cats were already there, he dashed down the slope to join them

46The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:28 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~is this the next day? Or are there different cats down by the fourtrees? Because Jayfang Dragonwing and Iceshard are already back in their Clans

47The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:12 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Yes this is the next day

48The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:50 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Iceshard arrived a moment before Stormstar and raced down the slope towards her brothers.

49The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:04 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"OK, I'm here, now which way are we headed

50The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:06 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

"That way!" Iceshard pointed her nose in the Southern direction.
   "That's... Uh... That's South, Iceshard." Dragonwing murmured.
   "Oh okay. Umm... This way!" Iceshard pointed her tail in the Northern direction.

51The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:20 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Well which way is it?" Stormstar meowed.

52The Hunt for Hunter - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunt for Hunter Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:40 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

"She just told you." Olivestar retorted. "North."

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