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BloodClan: This Is War

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1BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty BloodClan: This Is War Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:36 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

First topic message reminder :

Scourges daughter,?, has taken his place, leading Bloodclan. In her fathers honor she captures loners, rogues, and kittypets, turning them into warriors of bloodclan,servants, spies, or sacrifices to her father.

[b]Spy, Servant, Sacrifice, or BloodClan:[/b]
[b]Theme Song:[/b]

Rules(Must READ):

Here's my two

Name: Chapin (Chey/Shay)
Gender: F
Age: 18 moons
Spy, Sacrifice, Servant, or BloodClan?: Sacrifice
Rank: N/A
Sheys Looks:
Personality: Distant, Silent, Fierce, Sassy, and Sly
Theme Song:
Chey's Song:
Other: She gets to everyone and ticks off scourge's daughter a lot.

Name: Sebastian
Gender: M
Age: 25 moons
Spy, Servant, Sacrifice, or BloodClan: BloodClan
Rank: Deputy/BodyGuard
Sebastians Looks:
Personality: Funny, Strict, Loyal, and Caring for the daughter
Theme Song:
Sebastians Song:
Other: Is the daughters bodyguard

The whole topic has its own theme song which only the melody plays,no lyrics, durning suspenseful moments:
Topic Song:
Please do join this will be fun.


26BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:20 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Aspen awoke within a heap of trash. Her head hurt for some reason and she couldnt remember anything that had occurred last night. With blurry vision, she glanced around her, slowly gathering the strength to stand up. After a few minutes, Aspen cleared her sight and was standing in a dark alleyway. Still pondering of what happened last night, she sighed as her head hurt even more just thinking. But upon that pain, she realized that she needed to get to the BloodClan camp or else she would be in a world of torment! The other members were quite harsh, especially on small cats such as herself. With out hesitation, Asp hurried away into the direction of the camp.


27BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:46 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sebastian sprinted up next to Night with his ears flattened against his head. " She must be heading towards the stone falls (a dam). We can't swim but she can so you should turn by the catnip patch and beat her to the stone falls." He called looking at his leader hoping she would accept.


28BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:18 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

"I will" said Night racing in that direction. "Stay here to make sure she doesn't come back, come join me when you're sure she won't."


29BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:37 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

"Yes." He nodded turning ways. " Head to the stonefalls!" He yelled back rushing back to the camp site.

Chey smiled happily, she was far. She smirked and began to walk away towards the stonefalls. Once there I am free... She smiled with a leap.


30BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:09 am


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Night hurried toward the Stonefalls never stopping to catch her breath. Her black fur fluffed up in the wind while her bright ginger paws reflected to he dim glow of sunlight. Her paws itched to stop and She tried with all her might to keep breathing despite the length she ran. It would be nice if a few other BloodClan cats were with her. Though she was fearless, she was getting tired every cat needs there rest.


31BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:38 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sebastian stepped into the camp and gazed around. All secure the kittypet was locked up and guarded and the hole was sealed with mud and rock. He smirked before turning to the cats. " Aspen! Your in charge! Fringe come with me." He called.

Chy heard the falling water of he falls. She smiled and raced her way towards the falls with excitement, unaware of her surrounds or how quickly the water was rushing.


32BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:17 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Night hurried. I think I see her!  No, it was a rock but her scent trail was easy to follow! Pacing wuickly she followed it, wondering how Chey could have gone so fast! Just you wait and see, Chey. I'll make fresh kill out of you ! She could tell she was gaining on Chey. She looked up, she could see the waterfall.


33BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:00 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Name: Phantom
Gender: She-cat
Age: 39 moons
Spy, Servant, Sacrifice, or BloodClan: BloodClan
Rank: Da leadah, bro! Jk. Actually, I have no clue. Is this a real BloodClan rp, or fake, cuz Phantom is the BloodClan leader........
Description/Picture: A lithe and lean black she-cat. Her eyes are two unusual colors, the left gold, and right silver. She does not have a collar, as she thinks it's stupid, and itchy. But, her claws are reinforced with dog teeth.
Personality: A strict and cold-hearted individual. She is capable of showing no mercy, and has no qualms of killing whoever doesnt listen or obey her, whether in battle or not doesnt matter.
Theme Song: N/A
Other: She wasformerly a WindClan warrior, then left.


34BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:19 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

(Accepted and this RP is just for others to have fun in bloodclan, so its fake.)


35BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:26 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Mmmm........ ok

Phantom prowled through the frest, just a shadow between the trees. Raising her nose in the air, a familiar scent filled her nose. Night! She loped towards the scent quicjly, and was caught with he image of the black she-cat and her ginger paws. "Night, what are you doing?" she called. Phantom wasn't worried that she was showing disrespect. She'd doneit many times nefore, and she was still alive, right?

~short post is short


36BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:06 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Chey stopped by the stream of the stone falls and began to lap up water. She lifted her head back up with a relieving sigh. I literally forgot I lost her for I feel so free now and not frightened to the tip of my tail.


37BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:42 pm


RiverClan Queen
RiverClan Queen

Fringe followed Sebastian out of camp.


38BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:41 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sebastian looked back to see fringe has been following. " I may be in trouble with night after this but a clan sticks together. Chey escaped and we must get her back soon. You can swim right?"


39BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:31 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Night turned around. It was Phantom. "I'm looking for that mangy prisoner of ours, Chey is her name I beleive. She ran away and I'm looking for her. Sebastian is as well, hopefully at least and you'd better help to." Night then turned her back, preparing to leave. "I hope Sebastian remembers to leave the camp guarded." She growled softly.


40BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:38 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sebastian jumped out of the bushes into a clearing where Night was. He came up to her side. " I left the clan heavily guarded so no other cat would escape. If one guard left the camp he/she will be punished under our orders." He mewed.


41BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:17 am


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

"If they have disobeyed orders then I'll kill them myself." Night growled. "Who was guarding Chey when she escaped?" She stared at Sebastian questioningly. "Not you, was it?" She narrowed her eyes. Waiting for a response.


42BloodClan: This Is War  - Page 2 Empty Re: BloodClan: This Is War Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:40 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

" It wasn't me. I believe it was Flicker. He was to guard her but also remembered she escaped through the back of the den. Even I wouldn't have thought she would attempt that." Sebastian stated tasting the air. " I can hear the stone falls and I can smell Chey."


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