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WCZ (Official-Open to All)

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1WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty WCZ (Official-Open to All) Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:03 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

First topic message reminder :

No need for char. apps. Just start rping. But it is required that you post more than 5 Sentences. Gore and such are acceptable. Keep in mind, this is an official rp of our characters, what ever happens here, affects your character elsewhere.
Be cautious.

Warrior Cats Zombie Apocalypse

It was the middle of Leafbare. The land of the Clans was chilled to the core, prey was scarce, quarrels between Warriors often erupted, and nothing seemed to be getting better. Snow continuously fell, temperatures dropped, and disease sprung up in each territory. But what kind of disease? Well, Green-cough and White-cough were two of them, though there was something else...It was an unknown sickness. Its symptoms began similarly to White-cough, then into Green-cough, except something was off. With each passing day, the symptoms grew worse, Medicine cats tried using all of their already low resources, but to no avail. Cats began dying left and right, many succumbing to the disease and to despair. Leaders tried reassuring their Warriors that "Everything will be all right"...Everything was the exact opposite of "all right."
It was only a few days later, reports of "Strange Cats" were seen near Clan burial sites. Some of these cats were also seen sneaking in camps at night; occasionally screams could be heard from dens. However each morning, nothing seemed out of the ordinary (disease excluded), except there was always one missing Warrior. Similar events occurred within other Clans as well. From gathered information, the missing Warriors were usually related or close to those of who died recently. Because of the info, great fright quickly broke out within the Clan populous, and Warriors who hadnt previously prayed to StarClan, now hoped to the skies that they would continue to live...

RiverClan. Everything was near peaceful. Well, despite all of the frantic Warriors worrying that they were "next"...It was mouse-brained. All of it. Sure there was an unexplainable epidemic going around, but Cherrystar was sure it would clear up eventually. All that nonsense the other Clans were spouting about "Undead Warriors" was ridiculous. There was no such...thing...Alright, maybe there was. But not the way those bird-brained cats thought. The only "Undead Warriors" Cherry knew were StarClan and The Dark Forest. Wait, perhaps that was it then. Perhaps The Dark Forest was finally going to attack the Clans! There hadnt been any recent omens about it though...Then again, not everything could be predicted by StarClan.
Well, whatever. For now, Cherrystar had to make sure no more Warriors of hers died. She hoped Iceshard continued to serve her for many more seasons to come, along with her most trusted Warriors and her apprentice.


51WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:18 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Phantom gazed at Cherrystar. "The zombie virus hit you clans, right? It hit my own warriors. So many of my warriors have been turned into disgusting, brainless creatures." Her long claws escaped her paws and dug into the ground. She was angry. Angry that she couldn't stop this from happening. Angry that she was stooping so low as to ask the clans for help. "The remaining of my warriors have come with me to the real world. We would like to offer a truce with you 5 clans in order to escape this epidemic." She wasn't positive Cherry would accept this truce, bur she could still try, right?



52WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:32 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Cherrystar froze in place as the dark Warrior said the word "zombie." Was this what the epidemic was all about? Honestly, it was the first time she heard about Warriors being brain-dead. Were they really coming back to life? Perhaps this was what the living had seen when burying their most recent deceased, or when some cats had been abducted in the middle of the night... As ridiculous as it sounded, there was a chance this were true. Then again, it was a Dark Forest Warrior telling her; maybe she was deceiving her? But the tone in her voice sounded so sincere. She couldn't have been lying...
Cheery hadn't hesitated any longer before nodding in response to the phantom like cat. Yes, she'd like a truce, and she'd like them to escape this land. Why would she say no, anyway? Days like these are when Leaders like her should accept life saving risks, even if they had fault behind them.
Attempting to stand up, Cherrystar had only stood for yet, another second then her knees buckling beneath her. How irritating...And what an awful time for her to get a fever. How did this happen anyway? She was feeling perfectly fine this morning...


53WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:19 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

I clench my teeth and run out of my leader's den, and head towards mine. As I search for feverfew, I notice that despite this sickness, I'm doing well on herbs. Some, anyways. I find the feverfew leaves and grab a few in my jaws. Then I head back to Cherry's den. Not sure if I should bring them in and make my leader look weak, I hide them right outside and reenter the den.

54WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:35 pm


Dark Forest's Cherished
Dark Forest's Cherished

Crescent sighed and looked back at her drowsy sister. "...No..." She mewed and traveled to her side. "I refuse to go hunting for you. From now on we will be going hunting together." The demand was crystal. "There's something strange going on and I don't want us leaving each others side." Her ears fell flat against her head with worry. What is she doing down with the living?

55WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:26 pm


StarClan's Beloved
StarClan's Beloved

Drizzleflame's eyes shaped into slits. How dare she refuse her? Swiftly picking her head up, she fixed her blurry gaze onto Crescentmoon. She had sat right next to her and held a solemn look on her face. Instantly, Drizz felt a stab of guilt; the expression Cress had was...saddening. Never had she seen her sister look so worried before, nor serious. Not wanting to gaze at her any longer, Drizzle lay her head back on the chilly stone ground.
She felt irritated honestly; she was hungry but she didnt want to go anywhere. Her sister blatantly denied her request, dare speak in that tone of voice with her, and make her feel like she was in the wrong. Hissing under her breath, Drizzle cursed to StarClan. She was agitated so much now, that she was more than prepared to tackle Crescent. Despite being tired, there was nothing stopping her from attacking when someone got her into a nasty mood, even if it was her sister.

Last edited by Drizzleflame on Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

56WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:27 pm


SkyClan Deputy
SkyClan Deputy

Sandstreak walked along the banks of Riverclan. She saw many cats were gathered there, looking worried. She padded towards them. Have you seen any Skyclan cats pass by here recently? she asked. She waited silently for their responses.

57WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 24, 2016 2:19 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~Sandstreak, there is only Fawnstar, Stormstar and Jayfang. Jayfang isnt anywhere near Fawnstar, and Stormstar's with Jayfang. So if you were asking Stormstar and Jayfang, it wouldn't make sense because Stormstar is a SkyClan cat. Just saying~

58WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:28 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~I'm not sure she mans us, maybe she met a patrol or something

59WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:15 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

~we'll find out soon enough

60WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:29 am


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~Yes we will, well, only if Sandstreak posts and I'm waiting for Jayfang to post

61WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:48 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Hunterstrike watched the group of cats below him, many of them were friends of his. He grinned micheviously as he came up with a plan to scare as many cats as possible. He came up with the idea of making his fur look ragged and sliced oped a pine tree with his claws. He took the sap that was leaking out and slathered the his scars with it, making it look like pus was leaking out of wounds. He then made it so that his eyes looked clouded over. Then he silently jumped to another tree and stood on a large branch the was positioned over his best friend. Then he dropped down and hit the ground silently. He bared his teeth in a snarl and unsheathed his claws as he stood there waiting for someone to notice him. Inside he was laughing histarically.


62WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:31 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

~By best friend, do you mean me or Ice?

63WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:50 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

~definitely not Ice. She's in camp.~

   Jayfang acted as if he didn't notice the newcomer at first. Then he spun around and was about to forward, when he noticed it was Hunterstrike. "Oh. It's you. Nice new look." Jayfang said flatly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a sister to check on." He was about to forward across the river when he remembered Iceshard's words. "Don't let it spill." Her voice rang in his head. "Don't let it spill." He murmured under his breath and swam across the river to the other side, and sprinted out of sight.

   Jayfang sighed. He had enjoyed the speedy run but now it was time to check on Iceshard.

64WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:56 pm


SkyClan Leader
SkyClan Leader

"Hunter!" Stormstar meowed, "What was that? I wanted to talk to him, by the by, nice costume, you could scare someone half to StarClan like that, especially with the rumors flying around SkyClan."

65WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:07 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Jayfang sprinted through the RiverClan camp's entrance and checked Iceshard's den. She wasn't there. He walked over to the elder's den. She wasn't there either. Apprentice's den? Nope. Warrior's? Nope. Nursery? Nope. There was only one other place. He zipped over to the RiverClan's leader's den and smelled Icey's fresh scent. And Cherrystar's.
   "Iceshard? Cherrystar? You there?" Jayfang meowed nervously.

66WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:49 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Gazing up to the new comer at the entrance of the den, Cherrystar scented ShadowClan. Questioningly, she tilted her head in the darkness of the crammed room. What did a ShadowClan Warrior want now? She wanted to speak but couldnt, so instead she signaled to Iceshard to speak for her.

Everything was absurd nowadays...This epidemic in Leaf-bare was the main cause. Clans were either against each other or helping any Warrior out. Things got quite odd around here, and it doesnt seem like the Clans care about borders and territory anymore. What was happening to them? Does this mean they'll all perish soon?


67WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:54 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

I look up at the newcomer and gasp. "Jayfang! W-what are you doing here? Is there something wrong in ShadowClan?" I ask.

68WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:34 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Jayfang entered and shook his head. "There's nothing wrong. I just wanted to check on y-" Jayfang broke off as he noticed the shadowy presence of a Dark Forest cat in the den. He turned towards the figure and growled. "Phantom!"
   "Don't let it spill." Iceshard's barely audible whisper sounded in Jayfang's ear. Jayfang flicked his tail to let her know he had heard. 
   "What are you doing here, you Dark Forest rat?!" Jayfang spat.

69WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:48 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Phantom turned around to sit on her haunches as she smelled the familiar scent of a ShadowClan wariror. Her eyes shone eerily in the darkness of the den as she waited patiently for the cat to enter. She was internally amused when he didn't even notice her presence until fully inside the den. She gave a vicious smile, flashing blood-stained fangs. The only thing you could see of the black she-cat was her eyes that seemed to shine with a murderous rage; her pelt blended in perfectly with the background.

"Hello, little warrior," she purred dangerously. "Why so mean? I never attacked you before, have I? At least, not directly." She unsheathed her equally blood-stained claws to nonchalantly admire them, as well as giving Jayfang a not-so-subtle threat to stay the *insert creative word here* away from her. "As for why I'm here, now, that's none of your business is it? The better question, is why are you here? Trespassing on another clan's territory without permission?" She tsked falsely. "What have the "great" clans been reduced to nowadays?"

Last edited by Phantom on Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


70WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:49 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Jayfang! I whisper fiercely. We have a truce! For now, at least. Inside, I'm hoping he won't attack. But also inside, there's the part of me that I've always tried to keep hidden that is wishing for some action. Bloody action. I retreat to a dark corner and turn my gaze towards the ground. I shut my eyes tightly and wish for it to be over. All the weirdness -- Dark Forest asking for help, this unexplained sickness. -- is driving me stir crazy. No... not stir crazy. Insane. The word echoes in my mind. Insane. I close my eyes tighter. I'm not... I'm not crazy. I tell myself. I can handle this... I'm not... Insane. My eyes open and I gasp. No one heard.

71WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:01 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Jayfang ignored Iceshard's warnings and bared his teeth. Instinctively, he stepped in front of Iceshard, as if to guard her. "I came here to see if my sister was alright! Wouldn't you do the same?" Jayfang snarled, ignoring Iceshard's gasp and murmur. "You... You..." Jayfang couldn't think of an insult that he felt okay with saying in front of his sister. And not for her purity or anything like that. But as to not release that anger deep down inside her.

72WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:43 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

I curse under my breath and push past my brother. Get outta my way! I'm not a little kit anymore! You can't protect me now! I growl. Then slightly less aggressively, I continue. There is much in this world that can harm me, and you can't protect me from everything! I'm on my own now. I have to protect myself.

73WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:49 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Phantom gave a crooked grin as the ShadowClan cat stepped in front of his sister to "protect" her. "Your own fault for splitting up into two different clans," she shrugged lightly, sheathing her claws again. "Awww, is the big bwother twying to pwotect his wittle sister?" Phantom laughed, as she padded forward. "Sibling relationships. They're the best." She towered over the two smaller cats, and leaned down, putting her head in the middle of the two siblings. Her purr dropped down into a whispered growl. "We may be in a temporary truce, but I won't hesitate to rip you limb from limb if any of you do anything to anger me. Kapishe? Of course, that'll happen after this mess, but it will happen. So don't make big ol' Phantom shred you, yeah? I would..... "hate"... to cause a mess. Such a pain to clean up, you know?"


74WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:53 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

   I won't listen to all that hooey for a heartbeat! I know you'd just love to see us all dead! To rip us to shreds! But I won't letchya! I growl, taking a step forward. I feel a fire boiling inside me, but ignore it. I'm focused on this conversation too much to notice the warning voices inside me, anyways. I'm on my own now. My own voice rings in my head. That's right. I'm on my own.

75WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:07 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Feeling so useless, not even being able to stop a little fight within her own clan, Cherrystar felt more than ashamed. She felt irritated too, but that was probably because of the aggression in the air. If she could, she wouldnt mind snapping at them each, but she knew she couldnt. Trying to stand up once more, Cherry soon had actually managed to stay on all fours. Her head was faced downwards, claws digging into her nest and ground, ears back, then she snarled. Instead of saying anything, she only made a sound, a growling sound. Oh how she wished she could say more, she wanted to tell them off. She wanted to just tell them to leave, but snarling was probably more than enough for them to go elsewhere. But as she had growled, with her one free paw she placed in front of her, she had drawn a little shape of a tree into the sodden dirt. She wanted them to go there, if anywhere. She knew it was well passed sundown, and it was time they had all went to the Gathering Trees for one last Clan meeting.


76WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:14 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

I hear a growl and turn to see it had come from Cherrystar. She had drawn a tree into the dirt. I understood. Forcing the flames down, I turn to Jayfang and say, Go back to your own Clan. Then I turn to Phantom. Mess with me once, shame on you. Mess with me twice, better watch your back. Mess with me three times, you're dead. Again. Then I stalk out of the den, grab the herbs, and wait right outside.

77WCZ (Official-Open to All) - Page 3 Empty Re: WCZ (Official-Open to All) Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:10 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader


Hey, WCC members, I think it's high time we continue this ORPG. I dont understand why all of you suddenly stopped rping here, but please, lets get a move on!
Wouldnt you all like to finally reach the new territories by now? The Clans could finally meet the new tribe of The Universals if we finished this up here!

So prove to me that you are the proud WCC members that I know! Very Happy


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