Hi, I mentioned earlier that I was contemplating making my own Warriors forum with my own unique Clans but I haven’t found motivation to do so so I figure in the meantime, because I really want to roleplay with these ideas, I’d create a mini role play for them here.
TIMELINE: this takes place long after Bramblestar ruled over ThunderClan over by the Sun-Drown Place.
SNOWCLAN: The rogues that lived by the Tribe of Rushing Water grew tired of sharing prey and territory with the Tribe and chose to move down the summit and found their own territory, later on they were met by Sol who through his ridiculous powers of persuasion, became their leader and turned them into his version of a Clan, eventually, after Sol died they became influenced by the ways of the Clans and Tribe around them and became a fusion of the two, calling themselves SnowClan.
TRAITS: sleek builds and fantastic jumpers.
TERRITORY: they live on a flat part a bit below the summit where the Tribe of Rushing Water lives, it’s mostly a variety of flat planes with the occasional boulder and downhill slope, their camp is a cave in a cliff face
NAME STYLE(S): Rogue and Ancients
Advisors (2 max):
THE TRIBE OF RUSTLING LEAVES: Members of the Clans who lost their way on the Sun Trail and settled down in a nook close to the base of the mountains, a waterfall flowing down the middle causing lush and green amongst the pines of the mountains, not having a name for themselves, they decided to honor their old traditions and called themselves the Tribe of Rustling Leaves (credit to Darkheart for the idea)
TRAITS: Build is a combination between SkyClan and ThunderClan, having some capabilities of both.
TERRITORY: They have the lush nook I mentioned, it’s mostly uphill, along with some of the surrounding pine forest, their camp is at the top of the waterfall and there’s a log going over the river to get from one side to the other
NAME STYLE(S): Ancients and Tribe
Leader: Tree Rustle
MOONCLAN: Members of The Ancients that were not happy with their life in the mountains and left, for the longest time they were simply nomads moving wherever the prey and the stars lead them, eventually they settled in the cave where Midnight lived at the Sun-Drown Place, they never called themselves anything but the other groups called them MoonClan, the Clan of mystics.
TRAITS: healing knowledge and communicate with StarClan regularly.
TERRITORY: They have the area around the Sun-Drown Place and part of the plains bordering WildClan
Head Mystic:
Med Cats:
SEACLAN: A group of cats living on an island off the coast of the sea the Sun-Drown Place river leads to, they never met the Clans but when traveling to the coast they always had admired their ways off of rumors from loners and kittypets and formed their group around them and because of this they are the most traditional Clan in this bunch.
TRAITS: know how to raise herbs and have the knowledge of when to do primary hunting to keep prey on the island, also amazing swimmers.
TERRITORY: a small island off the coast of the Sun-Drown Place, it has the traditional tropical island environment and a large freshwater waterfall in the middle of the camp, a small sandy clearing in the middle of the island
Med Cat:
WILDCLAN: The closest Clan to the original Clans, LeopardClan, LionClan and TigerClan, because of this they have close relations to the wildcats and The Ancients in StarClan.
TRAITS: generally breeds of cats close to wildcats (Bengals, Savannah, Chausie, Pixibox, etc.) even rarely having mountain lions, despite that they know they can beat any other Clan they try to be the peacekeepers
TERRITORY: they live at the edge of the plains and the forest thus having prey from both lands, their camp is a secluded hollow in the forest.
Leader: Amberstar
Med Cat:
TIMELINE: this takes place long after Bramblestar ruled over ThunderClan over by the Sun-Drown Place.
SNOWCLAN: The rogues that lived by the Tribe of Rushing Water grew tired of sharing prey and territory with the Tribe and chose to move down the summit and found their own territory, later on they were met by Sol who through his ridiculous powers of persuasion, became their leader and turned them into his version of a Clan, eventually, after Sol died they became influenced by the ways of the Clans and Tribe around them and became a fusion of the two, calling themselves SnowClan.
TRAITS: sleek builds and fantastic jumpers.
TERRITORY: they live on a flat part a bit below the summit where the Tribe of Rushing Water lives, it’s mostly a variety of flat planes with the occasional boulder and downhill slope, their camp is a cave in a cliff face
NAME STYLE(S): Rogue and Ancients
Advisors (2 max):
THE TRIBE OF RUSTLING LEAVES: Members of the Clans who lost their way on the Sun Trail and settled down in a nook close to the base of the mountains, a waterfall flowing down the middle causing lush and green amongst the pines of the mountains, not having a name for themselves, they decided to honor their old traditions and called themselves the Tribe of Rustling Leaves (credit to Darkheart for the idea)
TRAITS: Build is a combination between SkyClan and ThunderClan, having some capabilities of both.
TERRITORY: They have the lush nook I mentioned, it’s mostly uphill, along with some of the surrounding pine forest, their camp is at the top of the waterfall and there’s a log going over the river to get from one side to the other
NAME STYLE(S): Ancients and Tribe
Leader: Tree Rustle
MOONCLAN: Members of The Ancients that were not happy with their life in the mountains and left, for the longest time they were simply nomads moving wherever the prey and the stars lead them, eventually they settled in the cave where Midnight lived at the Sun-Drown Place, they never called themselves anything but the other groups called them MoonClan, the Clan of mystics.
TRAITS: healing knowledge and communicate with StarClan regularly.
TERRITORY: They have the area around the Sun-Drown Place and part of the plains bordering WildClan
Head Mystic:
Med Cats:
SEACLAN: A group of cats living on an island off the coast of the sea the Sun-Drown Place river leads to, they never met the Clans but when traveling to the coast they always had admired their ways off of rumors from loners and kittypets and formed their group around them and because of this they are the most traditional Clan in this bunch.
TRAITS: know how to raise herbs and have the knowledge of when to do primary hunting to keep prey on the island, also amazing swimmers.
TERRITORY: a small island off the coast of the Sun-Drown Place, it has the traditional tropical island environment and a large freshwater waterfall in the middle of the camp, a small sandy clearing in the middle of the island
Med Cat:
WILDCLAN: The closest Clan to the original Clans, LeopardClan, LionClan and TigerClan, because of this they have close relations to the wildcats and The Ancients in StarClan.
TRAITS: generally breeds of cats close to wildcats (Bengals, Savannah, Chausie, Pixibox, etc.) even rarely having mountain lions, despite that they know they can beat any other Clan they try to be the peacekeepers
TERRITORY: they live at the edge of the plains and the forest thus having prey from both lands, their camp is a secluded hollow in the forest.
Leader: Amberstar
Med Cat:
Last edited by Stormstar on Tue May 16, 2017 8:44 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : parameter addition)