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Emberpaw's Bio

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1Emberpaw's Bio Empty Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:19 pm


RiverClan Apprentice
RiverClan Apprentice

Personnel Traits

Name: Emberpaw
Alias: Em, Ember, Emma (rogue name)
Age: 7 moons
Gender: She-cat
Personality: Emberpaw is mostly laid-back, but with some cats she is hostile. She's a quick-thinker, but has a short temper. If she can't reply to a hostile or mean statement, she can get really mad. Emberpaw is not the type of cat who can ignore others' words and statements. EDIT: She's also sarcastic and chatters constantly with "friends"
History: Emberpaw was born to a rogue named Lilly. She had 3 littermates: Flame, Calypso, and Ari. She was the runt of the litter, and was constantly bullied by Flame and Calypso. When she was 5 moons old, she ran away and wandered onto ShadowClan territory. It was the ShadowClan patrol that made her more aggressive. Since one of the queens of RiverClan was willing to take her in, she joined RiverClan. When she turned 6 moons old, her name, Emma, was changed to Emberpaw.

Physical Traits

Breed of Cat: American Shorthair
Height: 7 1/2 inches, whatever is normal for a smaller American Shorthair Emberpaw's age
Weight: 2 to 3 1/2 pounds
Color of Eyes: Deep brilliant blue
Appearance: Emberpaw is a small, short-haired, dark ginger she-cat with dark orange-brown tabby stripes, a creamy white underbelly and forepaws. She has slightly shorter-than-average legs with an average tail, a slim body, and triangular ears.
Physical/Performance-wise Strengths: Generally, Emberpaw isn't strong, but she has a hard kick. Emberpaw's best physical strength is speed.
Physical/Performance-wise Weakness: It's difficult for Emberpaw to pin cats down due to her small size. Emberpaw often makes the mistake of rolling on her back during battle training.

Mental Traits

Interests: Climbing, swimming, exploring
Dislikes: Frogs, lizards, the extreme heat, rain
Fears: Calypso and Flame and badgers
Mental Strengths: Emberpaw is smart about fighting maneuvers
Mental Weaknesses: Emberpaw has "daymares" about Calypso and Flame, along with a few alley cats

Social Status

Tribe/Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Family: Lilly, Flame, Calypso, Ari, unknown father (rogues)
Mate: No
Kits: No

Extra: I'm fine with most choices for mentor.

RP Sample: Emberpaw stretched, arching her back. She narrowed her eyes and the dawn patrol walked into the camp.

Last edited by Emberpaw on Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding to personality)

2Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:47 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Aw, this is fabulous-ish!

For a mentor, the only two really active members in RiverClan are Hunterstrike and myself. So choose between the two.

Emberpaw's Bio Approved


3Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:44 pm


RiverClan Apprentice
RiverClan Apprentice

I guess you can be my mentor. I looked at Hunterstrike's character, and humongous and small don't really go together.

4Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:50 pm


RiverClan Medicine Cat
RiverClan Medicine Cat

Hey! I'm an active RiverClan member! But I'm also a med cat...

5Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:33 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Well, yea, I didnt mean you werent active Icey. Razz
Anyway, sounds great, Ember! Just PM me whenever you'd like to create an rp topic about you gettin' mentored.


6Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:42 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

And let me know if you need any tips on stealth!


7Emberpaw's Bio Empty Re: Emberpaw's Bio Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:35 pm


RiverClan Apprentice
RiverClan Apprentice

Alright, thanks!

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