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The Contractors

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1The Contractors - Page 2 Empty The Contractors Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:15 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

First topic message reminder :

Read the WHOLE post please

The contractors are all now in great danger. The Fusuko clan has began its hunt for the contractors. They want to absorb all of their abilities so they can become immortal. If they complete this job then...well we don't know what will happen then. The contractors are all companions and all live in a mansion council. The contractors work together to protect the world and each other, including the rare contractors. They can receive help from humans as well but its rare since the contractors are usually invisible to the human eye. Will the contractors be able to face these troubles? Or will all plans fail and be stripped of their powers?

The types of contractors

Fire Contractor- This type has the ability to control all fire types. (crimson fire, blue fire, etc.) They are immune to heat and have a summoning flame sword called, Yuni. This contractor is common.
Wind Contractor- This type can fly and control wind, using it as a weapon. When they summon wind spirits to their aid or use wind magic at all, their eyes turn to a brilliant blue. This type of contractor is common.
Lightning Contractor- Telling by the name they summon lighting and use it as a weapon. They use a spear called kentko to summon their lighting, if lost they are left defenseless. So they keep the spear under a seal, which connects it to them. These contractors are uncommon
Water Contractor- They control water. They gain water from the cloud, under earth and any other place were water is located. They can breath under water and enjoy the wetness. This type is uncommon, strangely.
Star Contractor- This Contractor has the ability to absorb power from the stars and moon. They use this energy as a weapon. They have a katana which is used to hold the energy absorbed and is called, Moana. This type is rare.
Ice Contractor- This contractor turns water into ice and uses ice magic (like elsa). They usually love the cold and are immune to frost effects. This type is rare.

Species (contractor or human)-
Type (if contractor)-
BF/GF/Crush (please label)-


To start we will have one of each Contractor if more join and there are no more contractor spots open, I will open three, to meet the persons need. This RPG is humans not cats


26The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Fri May 08, 2015 2:03 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Ara made her way right to the door of the room where her friends were in. Feeling exhausted from the heat drying her up, Ara made no attempt to open the door. She fell to her knees, deciding it would be best if she were to help from the outside. Gathering the last amounts of energy in her, water formed at her hands and it was carried inside the room. She could just imagine the water that swelled up on the other side. Perhaps the others would realize what to do with the water, or so she hoped as she couldnt get enough energy to telepathically communicate with them.


27The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Fri May 08, 2015 8:24 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Brent heard the message and hurriedly filled a bucket of water, hopefully when Ara came she could help. As he ran, the water sloshed in the bucket, soaking his shirt and hissing as it landed on the embers.

"Ara! I have water!" Brent shouted over the roar of the fire. "Ara, are you okay?"

He saw a small figure on their knees in front of a door. "Ara, is that you? Where are Sasha and Sheyenne?"

28The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Fri May 08, 2015 9:59 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sheyenne glanced at the door. Water??? I looked at it for a bit then shook my head once something cut my cheek. "Sasha, pop that bubble, quickly!" I shouted at her. Hopefully the plan follows.

((Short is short))


29The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:03 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Sasha sees the small bubble of water and slashes at it, all the while wondering: How can so little water help us?

But instead of a trickle, a torrent of rushing water exploded the from little bubble and swept through the room. She cried out and jumped just in time to evade the first large wave. The men in black weren't so lucky and crashed into the far wall.

30The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:07 am


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Ara glanced up from her spot on the ground, seeing Brent with a bucket. "They...they are in there." She spoke quietly and pointed to the door, "Is...is that water?" She then looked to what Brent was holding, hoping it was, indeed, what she needed.


31The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:12 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Yes, yes, it's water. Here." Brent handed the bucket to Ara and opened the door to find the ground soaked through and several men clad in black washed up against the wall farthest from him.

"Uh.. I feel like a missed something here..." Brent laughed nervously, trying to break the eerie silence filled only with his own breathing and the men's groans as they lay in the water.

Then he saw Sasha. "Sasha! Are you okay!"

Her face lit up and she moved to hug him tightly. "I'm fine, thanks to Sheyenne and Ara."

"Really? What about me?" Brent asked in mock disappointment.

Sasha laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, you too."
Her smile fell. "Speaking of Ara, where is she? And Karawan?"

32The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:17 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sheyenne protected herself from the rushing water with a dome of ice. She noticed some men fleeing. She broke the ice and was out the window before Brent came in. She jumped from tree to tree while keeping up with the men. The leaves his her well. So far none seemed to noticed her. She knew the leader was most likely with them. The men stopped and began to chat about something. Sheyenne hid deep within the green leaves shadows and listened closely.


33The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:21 am


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Ara gladly accepted the bucket and stayed put on the floor. She waited for Brent to enter the room, and right after, she splashed the bucket of water all over her and drank the remaining drops. Feeling refreshed, Ara stood up, heading into the room right as she heard her name. "Uh, hey. Im right here." Looking around the room, she noticed the ground was soaked and very few people were around. "Where did every one go? I thought there were others..."


34The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 10:42 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Oh, there you are! Sheyenne just left and I think Brent followed her." Sasha replied, breaking into a big smile at the sight of Ara.

"Yeah, it is kind of a mess here, the water and all. We should go look for Brent and Sheyenne. I believe they're tracking down Karawan." Sasha grabbed a fallen sword and sheath and clipped it to her belt.

35The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 11:21 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sheyenne listened carefully. Most was a blur but yet she could make out small sentences. She stepped back to were her nails dug into the bark. I knew it! Splinters dug into her palms as she clung harder. Those voices... That man.... To recognizable and unforgettable. She gritted her teeth with widened eyes. The men in black began to move forth. She didn't bother to follow though. She had the well feeling where their camp was located and their plans. She turned around and her heel slipped from beneath her.


36The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 7:54 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Brent ran across the wet, dewy grass, keeping his eyes open for any sign of Sheyenne. He had been fearful to leave Sasha alone, but was reassured when Ara came in.

Suddenly, he heard a small gasp and a silhouetted figure fell from the top of a tree. Brent ran faster, the grass giving way to hard ground. His heart pounded in his chest as the figure -presumably a female- grabbed a branch on the fall down and clung to it, hanging precariously to the limb with one hand.

"Sheyenne? Is that you?" Brent raised his voice to no louder than a whisper.

37The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sat May 09, 2015 8:04 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

She held onto to that one branch. She didn't say a word. Her hand slipped from the branch and she fell into the shrubs below. She laid there quietly. She raised her hands. She could see the multiple scraps, cuts, and splinters that poked out of her skin. Clenching her fists hurt too much. She stood up and stumbled over to Brent. "Yes." She stated simply resting her hands on her sides, being careful not to let them touch the fabric of her clothing.



38The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sun May 10, 2015 7:16 am


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Ara nodded to Sasha and headed over to the window. Outside she saw two figures near a shrub and some further away. "Sasha...You do realize the whole mansion is burning down, right? We should probably get out of here." Ara glanced behind her, signalling Sasha to jump out the window. "You go first, I'll go right after."


39The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Sun May 10, 2015 9:22 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"Sheyene!" Brent rushed forwards and inspected her hands. "Man, that looks painful. Here, let me help."

He pulled a roll of bandages from his satchel and began to gingerly pick out the splinters and apply antiseptic on the scratches.


Sasha cautiously leaped from the window and landed silently on the ground below. She heard Ara jump as well, and took off, looking for Brent and Sheyenne.

"We should stay together." she whispered to Ara. "There is strength in numbers."

40The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Mon May 11, 2015 4:17 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Shey took her hands away when he applied the medicine. She quickly rubbed the medicine of on her jeans and looked up at him.

"I appreciate the help and worry but those of ice heal by coldness and water quicker than medicine can." She sighed and looked to the side. "We should look for the two. There's is no point in returning to the mansion if it's burnt so they must be out here some where. Just keep quiet." She whispered and walked forth looking for the two.


41The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Mon May 11, 2015 8:47 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"In that case, I know a fresh-water stream near here. Frigid cold water would probably help." Brent replied. "Are you coming?"

(sorry, very very short)

42The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Tue May 12, 2015 3:07 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Ara came up right beside Sasha and nodded. They had to look for the others, but that shouldnt have been that difficult, considering it hadnt been long since they each jumped out the same window... Looking up ahead, Ara signaled, "You lead, i'll follow."


43The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Tue May 12, 2015 6:09 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

As they continued, Sasha noticed a small silhouette sitting in a tree with her hair blown back and another pacing back and forth. She recognized the steady gait of her best friend, Brent.

"Brent!" she cried and rushed forward. He turned, his eyes shining with surprise and joy, to hug her tightly. "Why is it that we always get separated?"

44The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Wed May 13, 2015 3:05 am


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sheyenne watched the two rejoice. She rolled her eyes and landed next to Ara. "I know where we should go." She stated simply, in an audible tone. She began to walk forth it caring if the others followed her or not. Hopefully the place is still standing. Who am I kidding, the place is like older than my fathers death period. I seriously doubt anything works. But possibly we could get it back running- doubt it.


45The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Wed May 13, 2015 4:14 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

Sasha pulled back and studied Brent's face. "We've been friends for, like, forever! And yet we've never parted. That's so cool."

"Er, yeah... friends." Brent cleared his throat, then changed the subject. "We should follow Sheyenne. She looks like she knows where she's going."

46The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Thu May 14, 2015 3:23 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Once all four joined up, Sheyenne had popped up beside Ara and mentioned something. Glancing to her, she nodded, agreeing to follow her. It wasnt like she had any better plans to do that day...especially since their home was burned down, sadly.


47The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Thu May 14, 2015 3:45 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

We've been friends for, like, forever! Sasha's words rang guiltily in his head.

"Sasha," Brent said softly. "I need to tell you something."

"Yeah?" she turned and looked at him, eyes wide.

"You're, uh... my si-" I can't tell her! It's not right. I mean, Mother and Father said to wait until her 15th birthday.
"Uh, I mean, you're soon 15, right?" Brent said hurriedly.

"Yeah! Oh, I can't wait!" Sasha beamed, her ruby red eyes glowing in the darkness. "It's going to be awesome! 15!"

He ran a hand through his blond hair nervously. "Uh-huh, it's going to be great..."

Sasha's smile fell from her face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." Brent couldn't meet her eyes, afraid that she'd see what's inside. "Let's keep going."

48The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Thu May 14, 2015 4:16 pm


ShadowClan Leader

AdminShadowClan Leader

Sheyenne stopped. She looked back at the others. "You guys wait here for a moment. I gotta check something out." She stated then launched into the air. (Like Jack Frost XP) She landed on the top of a pine tree. She looked out beyond the horizon. She could see the elemental birds migrating to-who knows where. Nothing else she could see but the snowy mountains. She jumped out of the tree and landed safely next to Ara.

"To get to our destination we have to pass through the mountains using the Kanlee Pass. On our way to the mountain pass there will be no danger. But through the pass, there will be, and possibly then the men in black will be waiting there for us. We can avoid them easily if we avoid the pass. But through the pass its only a five days walk. Avoiding the pass will most likely take weeks. So which way? Danger or safety? Shorter or longer? Which is best?" She finished.

That might have been the longest I have ever spoken in one sentence.


49The Contractors - Page 2 Empty Re: The Contractors Thu May 14, 2015 4:36 pm


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

"I say take the longer way. We should protect Sash- I mean, ourselves." Brent responded immediately.

"Woah, woah, woah. Brent. Really? I don't need protecting." Sash tossed her head. "I can handle myself. I say through the pass."

He frowned. "No, I insist. Let's go around. It's fine if we take a while. We just have to get away from the mansion and the Fusuk- I mean, the men in black."

Sasha rolled her eyes. "You're really good at keeping things secret. Like not saying the clan name or my name." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

"Whatever. I still think we should go through the pass."

"I say around."





"Fine!" Sasha sighed, seemingly defeated. Then a twinkle appeared in her eye. "We can agree... to disagree!"

Brent scowled at her and crossed his arms. "Fine. Through the pass it is. What do you think Ara?"

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