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Moderator Application Pokeball_kitty_gif

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Warrior Cats Creator
We enjoy new members and are always happy for some new roleplayers. WCC (Warrior Cats Creator) is full of fun things to do. There is a game section, a roleplay section, a Non-Warrior Cat Related section, a New Here? Section, and a Help! Section. Interested? All you have to do is register. Please, only warrior or tribe names unless you want to join BloodClan or be a Rogue/Loner/Kittypet. If you need help, always feel free to ask an Admin. If they aren't available then ask a Mod. Don't forget to tell your friends about this Site!
Hope To See You Around~ The Admins: Echostar, Cherrystar, and FawnStar.
Moderator Application Pokeball_kitty_gif
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Moderator Application

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Should another poll be created for members to vote for the most worthy applicant?

Moderator Application Vote_lcap94%Moderator Application Vote_rcap 94% [ 16 ]
Moderator Application Vote_lcap6%Moderator Application Vote_rcap 6% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 17

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1Moderator Application Empty Moderator Application Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:25 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Hello Warriors and Non-Warriors of WCC. I am here today to share with you all that High Ranked Positions are available.
This topic here will be about those who would like to try out for a Moderator Status. There will be other topics later on containing info for those who wish to become a Leader of a Specific Clan/Tribe. Practically anyone can apply.

Down below is the application that must be copied and filled out completely, and thoroughly.

Please be honest with your answers and keep in mind that you will be needing at least TWO supporters that believe you would fit to be a Moderator.

Also, for supporters, please PM an Admin that YOU AGREE to support a member who has listed you in their form. If participants include members who did not agree to support them, then the participant will have no right to part-take in any other application and will be disqualified unless notified by an Admin. Plus, this is IMPORTANT! Admins may not vote!

[b]Forum User-Name:[/b]
[b]List the members that support your application:[/b]
[b]Explain why you should be chosen:[/b]
[b]Explain what being a Moderator means to you: [/b]
[b]Explain why the Admins should choose you: [/b]
[b]How active are you on the site? When do you come online? Do you participate in activities on WCC often?:[/b]
[b]What is your knowledge of this site?[/b]
[b]Example of your Roleplaying Skills:[/b]

If any member has a question, please do not post here but PM an Admin!
P.S ~ There is a poll up top....


2Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:24 pm


SkyClan Warrior
SkyClan Warrior

Forum User-Name: Wrenstar
List the members that support your application: FallingFalcon, Iceflow
Explain why you should be chosen: I'm active, and I have experience, and when we have more members, I can be one when it's late for the Eastern time zone, which is where many of you seem to be.
Explain what being a Moderator means to you: I've thought of a lot of things I could do to help this site, and I think it would help me achieve some of these things, as well as I want to be able to RP here, and I want to be able to bring in more people, and do something more to help. I'm babbling xD
Explain why the Admins should choose you: *shrugs* I'm active, or at least I try to be. I have experience, and I'm not really that rude or power hungry, I try to be that person that diffuses situations rather than make them tense.
How active are you on the site? When do you come online? Do you participate in activities on WCC often?: I'm probably on here as much as any of the Admins, though most of the time, I find myself on here by myself, staring at the sight with no idea what to do, other than reply to a few game topics. I come online mostly at night, though I do check in on mornings and sometimes during the day if I'm at home.
What is your knowledge of this site? I'm pretty good with forumotion itself, as I've used many forums on the base site as well as been an Admin and/or a Mod for a few. As for this forum personally, I've been here a bit, I think I know the ins and outs, as well as what goes on with it.
Example of your Roleplaying Skills: This is a post from DRP, the character being Asailia, also a dragon:

Asailia wrote:As the sun rose over the horizon, Asailia curled three into her nest, letting out a small groan much like a hatchling would make when refusing to wake up. The sun continued to shine in her eyes, however, so Asailia finally uncurled from the coil she slept in, opening a pair of bright blue eyes and peeking out at the world around her. Her little one-dragon cave was the same as usual. It always was, no matter what happened. The outside of the cave, however, was far more interesting to her.

Stepping outside, Asailia spread her wings and legs out, stretching the tiredness from her limbs. Halfway through this, she remembered. The day before, a messenger had come to tell her she had been chosen as the new SeaWing's female leader. As well as this, she has been told that she was to go to the palace the next day so Atlantis could show her the ropes. Sitting down, the soft horns on the sides of Asailia's face twitched as a little wave of nerves temporarily overcame her. Being a leader... That was a big job. Even if she would have Atlantis at her side to help her, the thought made her apprehensive. What if she messed something up? Ruined a plan? Unintentionally caused a war? There were a number of things she could do wrong with this position.
Forcing her thoughts to stop there, Asailia stood once more, taking a deep breath. Sitting here being nervous about it wasn't going to do much good, was it? And she wanted to be punctual when it came to getting to the palace on time, and therefore the island where she was to meet Atlantis.

That thought in mind, Asailia started across the sandy beach towards the water, splashing in happily, and letting out a little sigh when the water ran over her scales. When she was finally deep enough, she dove underwater, swimming like a fish and starting in the general direction of the island. Her cave was far from the island, but not enough that she didn't get there pretty soon. In fact, she nearly didn't notice the time, engrossed in watching the sea life below her as she was. She wanted to turn into water, and follow the schools of fish, but she knew that that would have to wait.

Popping her head above the water, Asailia spotted the island, much closer than she'd thought it would be, and started to resurface, her body following her out of the waves as she came on shore, dripping seawater as she went. Looking around, she spotted Atlantis waiting for her not far away, and made her way over to the other leader happily, the flower like spines on her tail twitching in excitement. "Good morning," she greeted him, feeling his excitement and impatience in the back of her mind. "I'm Asailia," After that she trailed off, not quite sure what to say for once. How do you greet your soon-to-be fellow leader? Was there a certain way? Internally shrugging, Asailia turned her gaze towards Atlantis.

Hope I covered everything...

Last edited by Wrenstar on Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total

3Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:35 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

This is a fine application.
For the Supporters part - I should have been more clear on this, but you can just edit yours, Wren- Applicators must PM non-Admins (so regular members) and ask if they would support you on becoming a Moderator. Due to so little members, Participants may ask other Participants for support. And yes, the supporters must be from this site.
[The minimum of supporters is TWO (2)]


4Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:49 pm


SkyClan Warrior
SkyClan Warrior

Okay. I've PMed people, I'll edit as soon as I get replies. Smile

5Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:20 am


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

I like it, I'm thinking about it. Add a poll for people who support you too vote in.


6Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:56 am


SkyClan Warrior
SkyClan Warrior

A poll like a topic?

7Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:06 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Yeah, a new topic like should Wrenstar be a mod? So people could vote.


8Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:06 pm


SkyClan Warrior
SkyClan Warrior

Ahh, okay. Making now

9Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:51 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Forum User-Name: fallingstar
List the members that support your application:no one Sad
Explain why you should be chosen:i am very active and im very friendly i cop. With others well and well i have really good experiamce in roleplays
Explain what being a Moderator means to you: i think its a way to help people if they need it and well its good to jave extra if something bad happens and i think a being modrater means you can help to help you the adiams and others
Explain why the Admins should choose you: well i am one of the first 6 i believe to join here and i do have good experince from lwc that i use here.
How active are you on the site? When do you come online? Do you participate in activities on WCC often?:im very active tho on holidays im rarly on. My time i say almost all the time when i can. I do i just havnt got time to get to them all yet but planning on joining every last one if possible!
What is your knowledge of this site?im okay with forumotions.i been to multiple fourmotions and im hood i been moderaters at 8 of the 10 i been too.
Example of your Roleplaying Skills:i am good and heres something from lwc

*fluffytail how was working on a hiding place for the elders and kits said to blazefang who was like three fox tails away"hey the dark forest hates clan cats so we are their last target." he pulled on sticks then said" we need thicker walls for them to only come from the entrance of camp"*
*Fluffytail glaced at. The kit and purred"nice kit" then he pulled off loose. Sticks while talking with the kit on the other side away form others while looking for loose areas*
Fluffytail heard something he told the kit to go to camp then fluffytail heard it louder he knew it wasn't a cat probably a fox or twoleg but he didn't risk it so he checked it out but never came back after five hours and was lost in a tunnel where he was unconscious from a fall.*

The *'s are breaks

Last edited by Fallingstar on Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total

10Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:58 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

This looks fine. Us Admins will take this into consideration of this application. Thanks for applying and be sure to PM those who you want to be supported by!
Also, please make a Poll for other members to vote whether you would be a good Mod. In the end, the Admins make the decision...


11Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:37 am


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

I like it, I'll consider it.


12Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:02 pm


Dark Forest Leader
Dark Forest Leader

Is it too late to apply...? .3. Cuz I was gone for stupid boot camp so... >.<

Forum User-Name: Phantom
List the members that support your application: Fallingheart
Explain why you should be chosen: I feel I would be a good addition to this site as a moderator. I also consider myself a very kind (and sorta fair XD) person, and I know when too far is too far. I'm also an active member (mostly XD) of the community and I know the rules very well. So, I think I should be chosen because I am experienced and wouldn't overuse my power. I'm not sure if I'm expecting to be chosen as a mod, but it's your choice.
Explain what being a Moderator means to you: To me, it means to be a good role model to the newer members of this site. Most likely, you should have good grammar and punctuation, and be a pretty good roleplayer. I mean, what kind of role model would you be if you were.. you know... bad? Razz I think I'm pretty adept in both of those groups. But that's probably just me being biased. What do YOU think of my punctuation, grammar, and roleplaying skills?

I think I'm getting off topic..... but anyways, back onto the subject. You need to be respectful to the members too, and even though you're a "higher rank" than them. If you just treat them like little toys or look down on them, they WILL get angry at you and start disliking you, and probably annoying you even further. Some might even go report you to the admins... Am I talking too much? If I am, I'll shut up.
Explain why the Admins should choose you: Like I said above, I am an experienced roleplayer, and I have been running a site for almost 2 years, which I think is turning out to be pretty successful (which I'm glad about). I try being as nice as I can, and I will rarely lose my temper. I don't care THAT much about power. I mean, I'd like to be some kind of leader, but I don't mind if I'm still just a average member. I have several stuff I'd like to introduce to this site, but of course, asking permission from the admins, first.
How active are you on the site? When do you come online? Do you participate in activities on WCC often?: I guess I could say I'm pretty active.. but I dunno, considering that I was gone for 9 days, but I blame for boot camp for that, because no electronics are allowed D: Sucks, I know. I come on a bunch to see the site empty, and I'm basically all: .... Where is everyone? B-but, I-I.... I've joined a few games, but it's getting kinda difficult to keep up, because it seems that everyone's posting immediately after some other person posts Razz

I don't think I've been on here long/soon/early enough to have participated in a few activities.. and I don't know any that are going on right now. Are there any going on right now though?
What is your knowledge of this site? Well..... it depends on what KIND of knowledge you're talking about. I mean, if you're talking about navigating your way around this site and knowing almost where everything is, then sure. I'm pretty experienced with that. And if you're talking about the books, then also a yes. I've read all of the books except for a few super edition and the manga.
Example of your Roleplaying Skills:

Umm. how should I do this? XD Well.. I don't really think I'll make it that long....

Tsunade shuffled the papers behind her desk. Looking up, a shadowy figure was standing in front of her. "Oh, good. You're here," the Hokage said. "Took you long enough." The person stepped out into the night. It was a teenage girl of around 19. Her outfit consisted of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals, three ninja pouches on her back waist and a spiral tattoo on her shoulder, with a porcelain white cat mask with red stripes resembling a tiger covering her face. She snorted. "That's just insulting," she retorted, rolling her eyes, but you couldn't see because of the mask. "I'm sure you haven't forgotten that I'm the fastest person in this village, right, Tsunade-sama?" Tsunade smiled lightly. "Of course not." Her expression immediately soured, though. "Kakashi and Sakura and Naruto have already headed for Sunagakure. At this rate, when you set out, they have probably already arrived at the village. You understand your mission, Yuuki?"

Yuuki waved a hand airily. "Of course. Head to Sunagakure, and help them out, as well as keep Kurama out of trouble." Tsunade nodded in confirmation. "Basically," she agreed. "I have already sent Gai's team ahead, too, to aid them. Now, take off your mask and change out of your uniform. You won't be needing that for this mission." Yuuki told off her eyes. Her spiky brown bangs framed her face, her hair tied up in a ponytail. She narrowed her dark gray eyes. "I won't fail, Tsunade-sama. We'll get Gaara back, safe and sound." Tsunade dipped her head. "You may go. Head out as soon as you can." With that, Yuuki shimmered out of view, already changed and immediately heading towards the sand village.

That was definitely not my best work.. XD

Hope you take this application into consideration, staff team Wink

Last edited by Phantom on Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


13Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:17 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

It is not too late for applying. Your application looks just fine.
For supporters, you may PM some members to support you becoming a Mod.
I saw that you have recently created a Poll, so good job.
Us Admins will take into consideration of this form.


14Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:01 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Thinking about it.


15Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:25 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Can I retry to be mid please? My thing is still here

16Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:05 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

If I remember correctly, it was you who wanted us, Admins, to forget about your application.
How come you want to retry at this now?


17Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:59 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Um I dint I was well mad at meh self at the momment sorry but I'm over I'm a silly guy

18Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:40 pm


Main Admin
ThunderClan Leader

Main AdminThunderClan Leader

Yes, bit that doesn't mean we will say yes and Cherry has to agree.


19Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:03 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

Hmm....How about this- Echo, Fawn and I will converse with each other about this and once we have made our decision whether you can be voted/chosen again, then we will let you know, Fallingheart.


20Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:41 pm


ShadowClan Warrior
ShadowClan Warrior

Okay,I understand cherrystar

21Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:32 pm


ThunderClan Warrior
ThunderClan Warrior

i still do not know what any of this means Cheeky Cheeky

22Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:29 pm


WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior

I would like to try out for Leadership!

User Name: Birdsong ( Birdstar if I do become leader )
Members that support me: Brightmoss, Thistletail, Sageleaf.
Why I should be chosen: Because I can help people more then I could before, and help Windclan grow, and help members get the rank they want if they want to change it. ( for Windclan, because I would be the leader of Windclan )
What does it mean to me?: It means I can help Windclan, and have more abillities to help people.
Why the Admins should choose me?: Because I have knowledge of this site, and if I become leader, I will detecate all of my new powers that I might get to help people, and maybe make this site active, as I have told my friends of this site, and I am active.
How active am I on this site?: Every day I get on to see if there is any new posts or any new members or anything I can do, this site is fun, and I love it! And I am now on summer break so I should be more active then I ever was before!
My knowledge of this site: I know how to join different clans/tribes and how to unsubscribe. I know the ranks. I know how to get the ranks. I know all the members. I know all the different clans/tribes. I know how to start a post. I know how to make an account. And the list goes on.
My roleplay skills: Fiction, FUN!!! Anyone can join at any time, sometimes nonfiction, hopefully enjoyable, NOOOO swear words.

Last edited by Birdstar on Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

23Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:35 pm


RiverClan Leader

AdminRiverClan Leader

As this application is for taking charge and being a forum Staff Member, us Admins will check over it and consider your form. This will take some time, so please be patient.


24Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:35 pm


WindClan Warrior
WindClan Warrior


25Moderator Application Empty Re: Moderator Application Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:13 am


RiverClan Warrior
RiverClan Warrior

It's so nice that a lot of members are trying out for leadership... maybe I will fill out an application as well...

I don't quite understand the supporters part. Could someone please explain?

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